A ‘Pro-Life Society’ has been approved by the Guild
Students across campus are not pleased
A ‘pro-life’ society has been set up and approved by the Guild.
Pro life societies at universities have previously caused national controversy, some arguing they have no place on university campuses because they are “oppressive”. Pro-life supporters condemn abortion on the grounds that once cells meet at conception they become a life meaning that abortion is murder.
The society’s new Facebook description says: “Official page of the pro-life society at the University of Liverpool. We embrace defending life from conception until natural death.”
The newly formed society announced their arrival on their new Facebook page in a status that read:
“We are happy and excited to announce that the University of Liverpool Pro-Life Society has just been officially approved by the Guild of Students! Like and share our page with your friends! Join us to defend every innocent life from conception until natural death!”
The status has already had many angry emoji reactions on it:
They have also advertised on their Facebook page an £85 youth conference for the SPUC:
The Facebook page has 193 likes so far and has received a negative reaction from many students, with many posting comments on their page which have since been deleted by the society, including this one:
Feminist Society have said:
“Fem Soc are a pro choice society and do not support anti abortion views. Those who are considering abortion should have the right to choose and have the right to free, easy and safe access to abortion, without being shamed or harassed for their choice. We believe this society could be a potential danger to those capable of pregnancy and their rights on campus.”
Rory Hughes, chair of Labour Society, says that Labour Society expresses his concern at their formation and said:
“We are concerned at the establishment of a “pro-life” society on campus. From what we can see the society has a lot of interest from people who aren’t students. It is important to remember that this society isn’t just a “talking shop” on campus. They will organise various actions with the help of exterior organisations. This could possibly include picketing at doctors surgeries, hospitals and abortion clinics. Women on campus who have encountered or could encounter such abuse should not have to think that their Student Union has helped facilitate such vile activities. Whilst it is well within students rights to establish societies it is worth asking where the limit is. Would a BNP society be allowed to form for example? The society’s activities should be monitored by fellow students and the Guild to see if they are in fact endangering the well-being of women on campus or infringing on their legal and human right to exercise decisions over their own body.”
Zara, a third year English student, said:
“Although I recognise that free speech is important, and I respect individuals have different opinions on the complex issue of abortion, I still find the concept of a pro-life community on campus worrying. I don’t have a problem with them having these views – I do have a problem if they attempt to in any way attack, hurt, or damage women and women’s rights on our campus because of those beliefs.”
The Guild have been contacted for comment but are yet to respond.