The ultimate Liverpool Advent Calendar
You’re all invited to Jay-Z’s birthday party
So it’s December 1st and the Scrooges among us are claiming ‘it’s too early for Christmas’. They are wrong. Here’s something for you to do in Liverpool every day to get you into the festive spirit.
1st – Give the Christmas Markets a go
Yes, we know they’re not as good as Manchester’s but have a Baileys hot chocolate and a questionable sausage and pretend to have a good time.
2nd – Sound Familiar Music Quiz at Camp and Furnace
The last Sounds Familiar of 2016 and a chance to prove your music knowledge. It’s £10 per team and there’s a maximum 8 players.
3rd – The Winter Fayre at Heebie’s and EBGBS
Heebies are celebrating Christmas early with a spectacular Winter Fayre. Crafts, gifts, live music, food, tattooists, taxidermy and some ‘very special Christmas drinks,’ all proceeds going to The White Chapel Centre.
4th – See the Coca Cola Truck in Williamson Square
It doesn’t matter how old you are, if the idea of seeing the Coca Cola Truck in real life doesn’t excite you, you are fully dead inside. You also get a free can of coke.
5th – Jay Z’s Birthday Party at Brooklyn Mixer
What is Christmas without Jay Z? Hard Knock Life is an essential any Christmas playlist. Brooklyn Mixer are hosting a celebration of his birthday, which is probably the second biggest birthday in December.
Ho Ho H.O.V.A
6th – Have a Christmas house party
Put on a Christmas jumper, get some crap decorations from Poundland and enjoy yourself. Fuck it, make an eggnog fishbowl.
7th – Learn to bake mince pies at the Guild
You could buy your mince pies from Tesco but where’s the fun in that? If you’re feeling creative the Baking Society is going to show you how to make them on the 7th December.
8th – Independent Liverpool Christmas festival in The Great Baltic Warehouse
They are promising independent food stalls, a gift market and a pop up wine shop.
9th – The Guild Christmas Day
Browse the Christmas crafts on offer from our festive market stalls; drink Buck’s Fizz; visit Santa in his grotto and most important have a whole Christmas Dinner for £5. The Guild at it’s finest. Thanks President Turner.
10th – Melodic Distraction Winter Party at Constellations
Last year’s winter party included mulled wines and ciders, and this year Melodic Distraction have promise the same and to ‘fill the place up with festive shit.’
11th – Have a house day out primary school style and see Snow White at the Empire
Starring the one and only Jorgie Porter. Really.
12th – See Shrek at St George’s Hall
A unique opportunity to engage with the stars of Shrek in a green-screen photo experience at St. Georges Hall. Don’t say you’re not tempted.
13th – HooHa Comedy night Christmas special at Constellations
They recommend you wear something Christmassy, but you don’t have to.
14th – Follow a Snowflake train in Liverpool City Centre
Liverpool city centre is transformed into a festive spectacle by the Snowflake Trail, artists have been commissioned to decorate a 1.5m Snowflake and they will be dotted round the city. What’s more christmassy than a fucking snowflake as tall as you?!
15th – Bongo’s Bingo Present’s Bongo and The Beanstalk
Get to Bongo’s Bingo for big cash prizes and table dancing. This christmas with a pantomime theme, interesting.
Leeeeeeegs eleven
16th – Christmas Med
What better way to end your term than at Medication, one of the biggest and perhaps sweatiest student nights in Liverpool.
17th – Power Up! Power Anthems and Christmas Ballads at The Arts Club
With promises of Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and Slade, Power Ballad club night is coming to Liverpool for a Christmas special at the Arts Club on 17th December. When else can you scream The Pogues until the early hours? It was Christmas Eve, babe…
18th – Try to make a Christmas Dinner
No your oven realistically isn’t big enough for a Turkey and crowding around your tiny kitchen table won’t quite be the same as your family Christmas dinner, but try to recreate some of the same vibes.
19th – Watch Love Actually at Sefton Park Palm House
The Palm House at Sefton Park is showing films in an outdoor cinema from 19th to the 23rd, including Home Alone 2; Elf and Love Actually. It’ll be cute but wear something warm.
20th – Go Ice Skating by The Docks
The ice rink by the docks is open daily until the 3rd of January. Don’t go after a heavy night at Heebie’s, it could be dangerous.
21st – Go see a Christmas Carol at Grand Central
It’s only a fiver if you pretend you’re under 16.
22nd – Have an Almost Famous Christmas Blowout Burger
Buttermilk fried turkey; cranberry sauce; pigs in blanket and sausage stuffing. So bad, but so good.
Yes, this is a thing
23rd – Constellations DANCE 4 Our Culture
‘Whether or not you’ve been naughty or nice you’re in for a treat this year from some of the city’s top selectors.’ Constellations are mourning the loss of Nation, the Kaz and other iconic club with a good old fashioned knees up.
24th – Stay in with your family and be at home
If you’re anywhere near Concert Square on Christmas Eve, something has gone very very wrong.