Liverpool is the second most sleep deprived city in the UK

One in five said that they’re kept awake at night thinking about their workload

A new study has revealed that Liverpool is the second most sleep deprived city in the UK. Research by Time4Sleep shows that only 54% of Liverpool residents say they get enough sleep.

The survey of 1,000 UK residents also found out about the nation’s sleeping habits and what keeps us awake at night. Overall, one in five (20%) said that they’re kept awake at night thinking about their workload, but results showed that people’s sleeping habits varied massively across the UK.

Newcastle residents are the country’s most sleep deprived, with only 41% saying that they get enough sleep. Liverpool is followed by Southampton, Birmingham and London in the top five most sleep deprived cities.

The recommended amount of sleep for adults is seven to nine hours each night, according to the National Sleep Foundation. However, according to the research by Time4Sleep only 55% of people are managing this.

Sophie, second year English student said, “Sleep deprived and sad is my forte.”

Jack, third year Politics student said, “I wish it was women keeping me up but its just my dissertation.”