SJ Tesco to Smithdown Aldi: What your Liverpool supermarket choice says about you
Cheese and vino at Vine or microwave lasagne on Lidderdale?
So you might think you can tell a lot about a Liverpool student from where they live, town = posh; Smithdown = legend; Kensignton = clueless. But actually, it seems we can do some further sub-categorising here. Are you squeezing the budget to the point of starvation, honestly at this point for you every little helps? Or are you posh Francesca, being sent a healthy allowance from daddy and can try something new every day?
Tesco Express, Opposite the Sydney Jones
It’s 9pm and you’ve got 27 hours to write 3000 words on Walter Benjamin and whether his understanding of history could be described as Marxist. You have inevitably left this until the last minute and you’re staring at a word document with just the title followed by a white space of emptiness. Well, you need The Tesco Express opposite the Sydney Jones. Don’t be ashamed; we all have to turn to a meal deal in times of desperation, making this conveniently placed gem the saviour of campus life. The only other reason you might use the Tesco Express is if you live in Vine Court and if that is the case, the real question is: WHY do you live in Vine Court and who fooled you into thinking it was a good idea?
Co-op on Myrtle Street
There are two possibilities here – the first is you live in the Georgian Quarter and enjoy the finer things in life. You’ve always lived on or near campus and wouldn’t be caught dead in Smithdown ASDA, unless you’ve been blessed with a generous housemate with a car. You’re always disappointed by the meal deals that don’t include wraps but the delicious two for £3 flapjacks make up for it. It can be seen as a way of rebelling from the norm of our beloved SJ Tesco but realistically you’re probably drawn to Co-op due it’s proximity to coffee, either from Caffe Nero or the handy Costa machine inside. It’s also got it’s very own cash point, which is under appreciated. All in all, you’re pretty put together either way, with some spare cash floating around.
Sainsbury’s on Bold Street
Niche. Much like people who shop at Co-op you’re one to go against the grain. You probably call into Sainsbury’s wearing a cropped Ralphy from Cow, some mom jeans you bought from Topshop two years ago and Doc Martens. It’s not that you’re anti-establishment but you like to think you could be, if you weren’t destined to work in marketing for the rest of your life.
ASDA, Smithdown Road
You are as Smithdown as it gets. If Smithdown Road was a person, it would literally be you. Your Wednesdays are spent at AU and your Friday nights consist of mental house parties on Langdale followed by a trip to Chesters on the way home (that 0 star hygiene rating is just so iconic Smithdown). You have no cooking abilities whatsoever, so your diet consists of a worrying amount of ASDA ‘Make Your Own’ Pizzas. You find yourself immersed in the world of this TWO FLOORED masterpiece and end up leaving with a scented candle to try and cover up the weird damp smell of your shit but loveable student home.

Heaven is a place on earth with you
Aldi, St John’s
Remember back in November when John convinced you that living in town is SO worth it and it doesn’t even make much difference by the time you’ve forked out for a bus pass? Initially, you’re on board and indulge in the thought of brisk Summer walks to campus. Well you really start to resent John when it’s the middle of November, it’s minus seven and all you can afford is a tin of 17p Aldi tomato soup because you’re paying over the odds for rent.
Aldi, Smithdown Road
You’re a weekly shop kind of person. You get meat, you get vegetables, you stock up. You even write a list and probably pre prepare meals often. You don’t want to be wasting your time in the week popping in and out of shops. You’ve got life shit to do. You’re probably the mum of the house and complain about how you’re sick of cooking for your housemates. However, secretly you take great pride in dishing up a lasagne for everyone, and the fact it costs you £2.70 for all the ingredients means you can afford to not be that bothered.

So much value
Day & Night, Smithdown Road
You asked Claire to pick up some milk and she obviously forgot. Even though she used the last of it, but whatever. There is no way you’re bringing yourself to make the journey all the way down to ASDA or Aldi past 8pm. You go in, you get the milk, you leave. You probably pick up a Kit Kat too.

Fuck u Claire at least there is good lighting here
You’re called Florence or Charlie. You’re from the Home Counties. Usually, you shop at Waitrose but there’s none of them up North, so you work with what you’ve got. When you go out you never wear trainers and you’ve had more than one bottle of Dommy P in your day. You probably own a signet ring.

Wine and cheese night is every night in F Block
Not doing a food shop and instead just stealing your housemates food
The fact of the matter is, it’s week nine and you’re another three sleeps away from your loan; Caitlin has six eggs and a packet of a bacon, Amy has tomatoes and if you do some digging Josh probably has a tin of beans at the back of his cupboard. Why spend your money when there’s enough food sitting around to make at the very least one meal? You’re stealthy, stingy and surprisingly well fed.