These are all the worst things about the final weeks of third year at Liverpool
Someone tell all the first years to get out of the SJ
When you start university in a new city and make a fresh batch of friends, you feel like university is an endless gig of sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. You mosey on through first year, telling yourself you only need 40%, then second year comes along and you take it a bit more seriously – but you still feel that university will never end.
Then, you get to third year. Deadlines that have to be taken more seriously than ever: dissertations that feel like they take years to complete, people asking you constantly what you’re going to do after uni and more. The end is happening as we speak, and in less than a month third years are going to be graduating, and they are tired. Tired of everything.
Everyone asking what you’re going to be doing when uni finishes
“Are you going to move back home?” or “are you going to become a brain surgeon within two weeks of graduating?” are just some of the things that we third years hear on a daily basis. Knowing that after uni you’re probably going to move back home and work in a bar for a bit while you get over the fact that you’re not a student anymore is even more painful when everyone expects to you have your life sorted as soon as you obtain that £27,000 piece of paper. Yeah, maybe I’ll do what I want soon, but until then just bear with me.

i’m just gonna do this for a while
Deadlines are heavier than ever before
Dissertations and essays count more than ever, and we never forget this. If we’re not asleep, recovering from our last ever 9am classes, we’ll be in the Sydney Jones typing ferociously at our laptops trying to string together a sentence after staying up all night to finish one essay before starting another. Most likely to have about 7 empty coffee cups surrounding our already-cluttered desks and we probably haven’t spoken to anyone in 24 hours since our laptops turned on.

probs won’t get this done x
Knowing you’re going to have to move back home
We don’t want to face it, but we have to. Most of us will have to move back to our respective towns, and try our best at whatever comes our way. Realising there will be no more Juicy, no more walking across our pretty campus, no more living on Langdale and no more Vine Court subway breaks is heartbreaking. Most of us will put off even thinking about it until our last student house tenancy runs out.
Having to sort out our life plans within a matter of months
I’ll let you in on a little secret, 95% of us don’t have any idea what we actually want to do. Maybe we never will, but now is the most urgent time for us to know whether we want to stay in Liverpool or move home, whether we want to do a masters to put off more decision-making or not, whether we just want to have a nap or not. EVERYTHING IS A DECISION, and none of us want to make them.

Not being able to find seats in the library
I don’t want to sound self-centred but we need them more than first and second years. Apologies, but we are in the final weeks of our degree, we have more work than you and it counts more than yours, so you should be the ones sitting in the South Campus Teaching Hub instead of taking all of the seats up in the social area.
Having to live on Subways/Tesco meal deals for the next month
This isn’t even a bad thing, so thank you God for the Vine Court Subway and Myrtle Street Tesco for ensuring we don’t starve to death while re-reading our dissertations for the 18,000th time. It doesn’t offer a lot of variety, but it’s the best we’ve got to keep going until 3am when we finally realise we should probably go home at this point because we genuinely cannot see anymore.

the only thing we eat anymore
Not thinking about anything other than exams
This is the end. The last exams, the final hurrah, and what if we bomb them? Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

revision blues
Until graduation, worrying is our best friend.