If you wanna be my lover, you’ve gotta get with my clubbers of the week

Zig ah zag ahhhh

Most reluctant clubber of the week

Who’s got two thumbs and all the tunes?

This guy

You’ve had HOW many beers? 

Girl bands of the week

They say you’re never six foot away from a Lambanana in Liverpool

Stunners of the week

When your mate can’t come on the night out but it’s not the same without her

Looks like yer Da got on the decks in Level

Most sparkly clubbers of the week

Yes sorry. I have an important call to take so I don’t have time for photos. 

Mate, I’ll have a picture. I’m wearing my sunglasses indoors at work. Am I pouring vodka or gin? I don’t know, because I’m wearing my sunglasses at work. Inside behind a bar. 

LADS NIGHT OUT of the week

When you have to think fast because you told your missus you were having a quiet one with the boys

BFFs of the week

I’m done with you people

Creps of the week

Fill the tub up halfway?
