How to spot a UoL student
They tend to be more evolved than the average JMU student
University of Liverpool students are one of a kind, never to be confused with a JMU or Hope student. They are often easily identifiable, whether they are stood still in the middle of the road trying to get a good Instagram of the Victoria Building or getting out their Macbook in Starbucks, you’ll know it when you see one of them.
Gym clothes
UoL students can more often than not be seen walking around on campus between lectures with gym clothes on. You probably haven’t been to the gym, you might not have even had any intention of going, but it looks like you’ve got your life together and that’s all that matters. Comfort is key and gym clothes are, debatably, both socially acceptable and comfortable. If you’re not working out you don’t have to wash them as often either, bonus.
The easiest way to spot a UoL student is whether or not they have a Macbook. They will never be seen with a Dell or HP laptop, its not shiny or pretentious enough. If you walk into a Sherrington lecture you’ll be greeted with rows and rows of lit up apples. These probably weren’t bought with student loans either, it was a leaving gift the summer before first year. The occasional student can be spotted with both a Macbook and an iPad, they probably applied for Durham but ended up here instead.
The typical white girl wearing Uggs and marching along with a reusable Starbucks cup does not attend John Moores. The Guild has a Starbucks for a reason, no matter how poor the student overpriced drinks are always going to be an essential. Revision doesn’t count if you didn’t visit Starbucks and spend at least £8. You probably have the Starbucks app too.
Instagram of the Victoria Building
You’re not a Uni of student if you’ve never Instagram’d the Victoria Building or Abercromby Square on a sunny day. Why attend a red brick building university if you’re not going to show it off? The typical Uni of student will 100% include “University of Liverpool” in their bio, followed by their degree. Hashtags such as #redbrick, #russellgroup and #proud can be expected.
Penny pinching
Uni of students can be seen off campus attending part time jobs or doing a weekly shop in Aldi in order to save some money. This is due to the financial demands of printer credit and the gym. Unlike JMU, Uni of students must pay for printer credit themselves, as well as the gym if you actually want to wear your gym clothes somewhere appropriate. Desperate times call for desperate measures, if you have to pay for that shot in 20ps you go for it girl.
Anyone on the 699 not attending Uni of is probably lost when its on its way to the Guild. Uni of students can be identified as the ones half asleep against a window or non-stop scrolling the entire journey. Those who don’t belong on the 699, the ones only going a few stops and not towards the beloved Guild, sit towards the front and gaze out the window.

Loves a good 699 journey
Glammed up
Always turning up to lectures looking like a prin even if you’ve rolled out of bed an hour ago. It may be the Liverpool stereotype rubbing off on you but turning up to a full day of lectures without at least making an effort feels… wrong? Even between breakdowns you manage to pull some sort of presentable outfit together and take an Instagram selfie.
Having a break down in the SJ
Students from other universities are welcome to venture into the Sydney Jones, but the ones having a breakdown are true UoL students. Visitors are too distracted taking in the atmosphere and JMU students are busy trying to work out why there aren’t any colouring books.

Oh look, another Macbook