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University of Liverpool students have spotted a MOUSE in the Sydney Jones Library

Oh no yet another reason to not go to the library


Students were stunned as a mouse emerged from behind a fire extinguisher on the first floor of the Grove Wing in the Sydney Jones library.

"I just saw it peek its little head out and then scurry behind the recycle bins. At one point it ran closer to my desk, but then it returned to hiding behind the fire extinguisher" said Sarah, a third year Italian student.

Since the word about the mouse has spread, various students have come forward saying they've spotted mouse traps dotted around the SJ in the past. One student even said she'd seen a mouse in that exact same location before.

Image may contain: Machine, Rug

Pretty sure this mouse has been in the library more times than you this semester

The Liverpool Tab have approached the University of Liverpool for a comment about the mouse, but they are yet to respond.

Got a phobia of mice? Excellent, steer clear of the library from now on so it's easier for some of us to find a spot on this floor.