The new safety measures UoL has for the start of term
They released a video on their Instagram with all the updates
UoL uploaded a video to their Instagram detailing the new measures in place to maximise safety for students and staff.
The three-minute video consists of what UoL has installed to abide by governmental restrictions on-campus, in university halls, and classes.
The university stresses throughout the video that all these measures are to ensure students are as safe as possible during their studies, whilst still enjoying “a great university experience.”
The video starts by stating that the university wants students to continue having the best time at Liverpool in terms of their studies, social life, and safety. It talks about how the university is working with the Guild to make sure societies and committees will still be running smoothly, how there will be pop-up food vans for people to eat takeaways when on campus, and then the video lists the newly installed measures to maximise students’ safety:
1. One-way systems are being introduced on-campus (01:24)
The video shows floor stickers placed everywhere to show clearly where students should be standing and in which direction to walk in to avoid contact with others. These stickers are on the floor, stairs, and they’ll be used in all academic buildings, cafes, labs, libraries, and leisure spaces.
2. Moving into halls will be phased and contactless (01:40)
For students moving into university-owned halls, they’ll be using cards instead of keys to access buildings and will have a cleaning routine to follow when living in halls. There are hand sanitizer units dotted around accommodations and the video stressed that there will still be events to welcome new students to Liverpool, but more information will be released closer to Foundation Week (Monday 5th October).
3. We’re expected to wear face coverings anywhere on-campus (01:56)
Everyone needs to wear a face-covering whenever on-campus. This also means you’ll be wearing one in lectures or seminars, in the library, and when moving to another building on campus. If you’ve got a disability and therefore cannot wear a mask, you’re urged to contact the Disability Advice and Guidance team for help.
4. We’ll each be given two free washable face coverings (02:04)
The uni’s giving out UoL blue branded face-masks to wear that can be washed and reused. Around campus, there’ll be places to get disposable ones too if you lose the reusable masks.
5. UoL is offering free Coronavirus tests if you have symptoms (02:29)
If any staff or students start showing symptoms of Coronavirus, you can get tested 9 am-5 pm every day for free and you can expect your results within 24hrs.
6. Teaching will be a mixture of face-to-face and online (02:49)
Liverpool is describing this sort of learning as a “hybrid learning experience” where you can talk to academics in-person but also have online learning opportunities. These online opportunities will be pre-recorded, and you can do them at your own pace in your own time.
7. Teaching, learning, and leisure spaces will be socially distanced (03:02)
Lecture theatres, seminar rooms, libraries, and any type of learning space will have social distancing and hygiene measures in-place. The video states that we’ll get more information about this style of teaching in Foundation Week before starting term.
The video ends with a birds-eye view of Liverpool and adds the uplifting commentary: “Some things change, but others stay exactly the same. Like the warmth and spirit of this great city.”
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Featured image credit via Instagram: @livuni
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