Here’s what UoL societies are doing for socials this year
Will it really be a year of Zoom calls?
Due to COVID-19, many of UoL’s societies are confused and at a loss of what to do next in terms of socials. Now that we’re all in the same sinking boat and wondering how we’ll meet new people, The Tab asked some of the non-sporty and academic societies about what their plans are for the upcoming months.
To make signing up easier, the Guild is offering society memberships for free so students can join a lot easier. Head over to the Guild’s website to sign up for anything you may be interested in.
Although you may be feeling a bit discouraged to finally join that society you’ve been wanting to join for years now that it’s pretty illegal to socialise with people, plenty of societies have announced how they’ll help you out with a social life so you feel a bit less trapped in that grim student room of yours.
Anime Society
The Anime Society has already planned a ‘Big Freshers Quiz [that will be] taking place on the 1st October at 7 pm with amazing otaku themed prizes. We will do a special for Halloween as well as Christmas with a Christmas anime quiz too.’
They have also said that they will be ‘watching anime weekly online that are picked by all the members and we would like to do an anime treasure hunt but that will need some more planning to comply with COVID guidelines.’
BAME Medics
BAME Medics have arranged an online social event during Welcome Week for Freshers, although anyone is welcome. It’ll be an escape room, hence the name “ESCAPE THE ZOOM!” which sounds pretty intriguing and could be an interesting way to create fab online events.
Business Management Society
The Business Management Society is currently planning to move all socials to virtual socials.
English Society
The English Society’s Book Club will still be going ahead this year – online obviously. They also have plans to help Freshers settle in and find like-minded people by utilising Zoom’s breakout feature. Whilst they’ll plan Zoom quizzes, they’re also hoping to organise events such as Bingo nights.
Feminist Society
The Feminist Society is following the zoom quiz trend too but also hopes to create a blog page ‘potentially with an anonymous section where people can contribute their own experiences or stories’. We can see how this could be really beneficial to people, especially those struggling to adapt to life with the new-normal that COVID-19 brings. They are also investigating some campaign work.
Film Society
The Film Society told us that they’re hoping to hear positive things from the Guild once they decide this month whether societies can go back to face-to-face activities at the start of November. Unfortunately due to the new restrictions of local lockdowns, it’s looking more and more likely that virtual events will continue for all of semester one.
Garms Society
Garms (which, by the way, is a fab society all about sustainable fashion) assumes that most of their events could be rearranged in a COVID safe manner and will use their Instagram to do tutorials and workshops virtually. They even have a blog that showcases their plans for the year.
Geography Society
The Geography Society is hoping to host events with guest speakers, such as Black Geographers. They’ve already hosted a BLM live event and hope to do this again with other issues, such as LGBTQ+ and feminism. They’re also jumping on the Zoom quizzes bandwagon, as well as planning educational events. They’re keeping their fingers crossed that hopefully they can plan their famous BA vs BSc social nights in semester two, as well as their Geog Soc ball.
The History Society
The History Society will be hosting online events like quizzes and ‘get to know the society’ meetings. They know it’ll be strange to start with, but they hope it will become easier as the ball gets rolling.
K-Pop Society
The K-Pop Society is planning a K-Pop quiz night in early October, as well as planning online dance classes.
Liverpool Legal Society
LLS are also in the works of planning what socials they can do virtually.
Liverpool Model United Nations Society
Liverpool Model United Nations Society told us that they’ll be hosting regular sessions on Zoom, such as their debates every Tuesday. As for socials they’ll be having ‘DrunkMUN’ – where delegates are encouraged to dress up as a famous historical figure. They also hope to host a musical bingo on Zoom.
Tamil Society
The Tamil Society has organised all their online events for the first term and their first event will be a meet and greet (‘Vanakkam & Chill’ because ‘vanakkam’ is Tamil for ‘welcome’). They’ll conduct several icebreakers and games, and plan on making use of Zoom’s breakout rooms feature. In addition to this, they’ll have lots of time for Q&A’s so students can ask anything they want about their society and the uni in general. They also plan to have online sessions, including a weekly catch up, online pub quizzes and cooking sessions! You can follow them and keep up to date via their Instagram.
Psychiatry Society
The Psychiatry Society’s president, Will, told The Tab that they’re hoping to have chances to hear about advances in mental health research; challenging opinions in the field of mental health; and more about careers in psychiatry. They’ve also started a blog to invite students to share articles as well as personal experiences with their mental health- a good move to get us all talking during these dark times.
Modern Languages Society
Liverpool University Modern Languages Society is planning some European themed Zoom quizzes for Freshers to meet each other.
Sociology Society
Although the Sociology Society has had to cancel planned pub crawls and guest speakers, they’ve got Zoom quizzes and welcome events planned. They’ve been working hard to reach out to Freshers and help them as they fully sympathise with Freshers having way fewer opportunities to meet new faces.
It’s quite gutting that a lot of societies had big plans in the works for the semester ahead of us: Chances to get pissed, to get dressed up snazzily, to maybe try and gain a few LinkedIn connections ready for the real world. Shockingly, not a single society can see into the future and are therefore pretty hopeful about what semester two will bring us.
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