Manchester Campus Style

The Tab rounds up more of Manchester’s most stylish students

Lucy, 2nd year Philosophy. Lucy likes to read fashion magazines like VOGUE and loves oversized coats this season.

Lucy, 2nd year Philosophy. Lucy likes to read fashion magazines like VOGUE and loves oversized coats this season

Mariam, 1st year Optometry. Mariam likes to follow blogs and read magazines. We love her River Island bag.


Libby, 1st year International Management and Amy, 1st year Linguistics. Libby and Amy are interested in keeping up with trends and love to wear pastel colours to brighten up winter outfits.

Mo, Postgrad Human Resource Management. Mo likes vintage fashion and shops mainly at Urban Outfitters.

Conseuila and Doris, 2nd year Art History. The trendy two prefer not to discuss their style, but do tell us that they wear whatever makes them feel ‘free’.