A royal price tag: Prince Academy tickets going for a grand

Students will be left in the cold thanks to soaring ticket prices

Manchester has shown its royal love for Prince, as tickets for his latest gig are selling for over a grand.

Fancy a taste of this? It’ll cost you…

The singing legend surprised us all on Wednesday, when tickets for this weekend’s gigs at the Manchester Academy went on sale.

But these were sold out within seconds of the website going live, and soon after, very pricey ones started to appear all over the interweb.

Tickets originally cost £70, but now you’ll be lucky to find one for under £1,000, if there are any left.

So it’s bad news for students – the hefty price means few will get their hands on tickets, even though it’ll all be taking place right under our noses.

He could’ve chosen a bigger venue

Seatwave was selling two tickets to the Saturday show for £1,500 each, while Viagogo was charging overly-eager fans £999 for a glimpse of the magic musician.

But it could be good news for a lucky few. If you fancy braving the cold, Manchester Academy said there would be “a limited number of tickets available on the door” on both the Friday and Saturday concerts.

You’ll have to be pretty quick though – it’s thought some fans are already braving the freezing cold to secure themselves entry.

And there may even be a third date going ahead, according to one Manchester music icon.

“It’s my understanding that there could be a third gig, but small venue [with] very few tickets”, said DJ Dave Haslam”.