Caught on cam: Cyclist hit by taxi in Fallowfield
Helmet cam captures the terrifying moment
This is the horrifying moment a cyclist is mowed down by a taxi on Wilmslow Road.
The cyclist, who was wearing a helmet camera to record examples of dangerous driving in Manchester, has published the shocking footage online.
The crash happened along Wilmslow Road on 30th September at 8am, and footage was uploaded to the victim’s Youtube account.
The car involved was a silver Skoda Octavia belonging to Station Cars in Didsbury.
The 24-year-old Rusholme cyclist is currently undergoing physiotherapy for muscle injuries, and has been told it will take him about a year to recover.
The victim, identified only as Dan, said: “I was cycling down Wilmslow Road and the driver failed to give way and pulled out.
“He basically T-boned me, hit me on the middle of the bike then I went onto the bonnet, spun round and onto the ground.
“Amazingly I had no broken bones but was left with scrapes and whiplash injuries I’m still having physio for.
“Luckily it’s nothing life-threatening and I’ve been told they should mend within the next year.
“I know wearing a camera is controversial but without it, it would have been my word against the driver’s.
“I was in shock at the scene so I’d like to thank the two people who stopped to help.”
The collision happened on Wilmslow Road.
Greater Manchester Police have confirmed the collision, and said: “The driver would have been given a fixed penalty notice or speed awareness course.”
Dan frequently uploads examples of dangerous driving in Manchester to his YouTube channel “MCR Cyclist”.
The purpose is to give the drivers a different perspective, and help them realise how their actions could hurt others.