Merry Skintmas: How to make sure your loan stretches for the last few days of term

It’s painful, we know

It’s not as bad as it seems. Okay, maybe it is.

We bloody wish

Food: Yes, that Finest ready meal looks oh so good but costs more than in your bank account. Why not try taking a leaf out of this person’s book and live off of Basics until your loan comes in?

And whilst Domino’s 24Tuesday might seem like a good deal, is it really as cheap as actually buying a pizza and (shock horror) heating it up. NO! I hear you cry. If you’re feeling really brave, you might even ditch the pizza and go for the vegetables.

This guy loves to pre drink.

Alcohol/ going out: If you don’t predrink before going out, you’re a fool. Sure, don’t get so lashed that you can’t even get into a club, but get a happy buzz going. Acidic wine apparently makes you drunker quicker, and can be found fairly cheaply anywhere. Most clubs charge a premium on a Friday and Saturday for drinks and entry charges, so think about partying on an earlier (and cheaper) night.

During the last few weeks of term, most societies are having their festive parties and tickets can be quite cheap for society members. There will definitely be alcohol at these events, and probably a decent amount of it too.

Merry Skintmas

Christmas: It’s that shitty time of year again where people hand you presents and expect them in return. You can claim that you’re so skint that you really can’t give presents (definitely not a lie) and risk everyone hating you or go to Poundland and do everyone for less than a tenner. If your housemates are doing presents, suggest a Secret Santa and pick a ridiculously low limit, because to be honest, they’re probably as skint as you by now. As for family, pick your favourites and go for it. You only see them during holidays anyway.

Really not likely.

Getting money: Sadly, not all of us are lucky to have a part- time job at uni. You can find loads of sites that offer money or vouchers if you take a survey or seventy. If you’ve got no deadlines and plenty of time on your hands, it might just be worth it. Failing that, begging is always an option.