Pangaea was BIG

Especially for the freshers’ one

The Neverland themed Pangaea went off on Saturday even though it was full of wide-eyed freshers.

As always, the uni’s biggest event was a bitter sweet medley of good moves, big toilet queues and sweaty costumes.

Although the line-up was dubbed as a predominantly fresher friendly mix of garage, grime and Example thrown in for fun, it did not disappoint and many Lost Boys were seen leaving a trail of glitter from the SU to the streets of Fallowfield at 7am.

Not only were the legends So Solid Crew there, but this time, the silent disco was bigger than ever, with a proper gazebo meaning that the hardcore ravers could skank it out to three different channels until it was light when the main music had stopped.

Talking to The Tab about his first experience of the event, fresher Jack said: “I was a bit skeptical about Pangaea as I heard it was in the SU, but when I got there it was amazingly changed into a festival site.

“With my pupils dilated and my teeth chattering, I kept going till past 6am.”

Jess, another very happy partier dresses as Tinkerbell told The Tab: “It was mad, didn’t realise how big it was, we just kept getting lost.

“My definite highlight was when one of the guys from Levels invited me backstage as I was leaving.

“I said no.”

Here are the creme de la creme of Pangaea pictures for you to feast your tired eyes on:

Dat silent disco

When the squad on fleek

Tinks twins

Da lost boiz

Fre$h to death

Costumes on fleek



Squad goals

Peter Pan in the place