Nearly HALF of girls at Manchester claim to have been sexually assaulted
This needs to stop
After a horrific year, a Tab poll has revealed 44 per cent of girls at Manchester have been sexually assaulted.
The startling results come as records hit a new high in our city.
The survey – which had over 5,500 participants nationwide – showed 44 per cent of girls in Manchester had been sexually assaulted and 18 per cent claimed to have been raped.
The results make Manchester the third highest uni for sexual assaults.
Whitby Road, near where too many attacks have taken place
One anonymous respondent said: “I’ve been assaulted several times, all in first year, after which I decided to pretty much stop going out.”
Another harrowing response was: “After WHP I was groped by a guy then told I was disrespectful and racist because I told him to stop. It turned into a heated argument that got to the point where he tried to hit me.”
Out of the distressing 44 per cent of girls that claim to have been raped, 22 per cent said it happened during their time at uni.
To make things even worse, 43 per cent of these girls said they had previously known their attacker.
On the subject of consent classes being enforced in uni, 55 per cent of people were for the classes and 45 per cent against. A staggering 71 per cent agreed that lad culture was a problem in Manchester.
Sadly, many people in Manchester are no longer shocked to hear such horrific statistics.
Third year Naomi said: “I think it’s disgusting that so many girls are having to go through potentially life-ruining attacks and there hasn’t been much of an effort to combat it.”
Third year Rhomey was equally disheartened: “To be honest it’s shameful, the police clearly aren’t doing enough to protect women in Manchester and something drastic has to be done, I don’t feel safe to even walk to sainsburys at night, it’s a not a way to live”
Third year Rosie said: “It’s disgusting that after all of the attacks last year that absolutely no visible action has been taken – police are more concerned with house parties than the safety of students. These stats aren’t just numbers, they’re people who have had their lives turned upside down by sexual assault”
Following this, there’s a night in aid of the Manchester rape crisis. Head down and show your support.
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