Koh Tao is overrated
We only love it for it’s location
Sure, Koh Tao has quickly gained a reputation as one of Manchester’s favourite nights out – but would you still go if it was in the Northern Quarter?
Ask people what they love about Koh Tao. Their answer won’t be the music, which is distinctively average most nights by the way. It certainly won’t be the venue – it’s tiny, basic and always crowded. They won’t love it for it’s spenny drinks, either.
People love Koh Tao purely because it’s Fallowfield’s only club.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s shit, it’s just overrated. Compared to the rest of Manc’s nightlife – WHP, Sankeys, Antwerp, Gorilla – Koh Tao is a distinctly average club. There’s nothing unique or alluring to make it stand out.
The real beauty of Koh Tao is that you can decide last minute to go because it’s only a walk away. You avoid the overcrowded magic bus and never ending Curry Mile and instead can drink the rest of your vodka while strolling to the club. And let’s not forget that it’s right by Chicken King.
But is it really worth it? What is so special about Koh Tao?
Events always have hundreds attending, so you need your name on the guest list well in advance if you want a chance of getting in. Queues are huge, so you’ll still need to get there at 10.30.
Thursday night queues
Once inside, if you even make it, you will be squished, get drinks spilled over you and spend half your night waiting to be served at the tiny bar.
To make it worse the small venue and tiny number of toilets aren’t capable of dealing with hundreds of drunk girls who broke the seal too early. You’d expect this kind of wait at somewhere like WHP, but for a small night out in Fallowfield it doesn’t make sense. You might as well walk home to wee.
If Koh Tao moved to Picaddilly there’s nothing about it to make it worth the bus journey. It’s loved because it’s easy, for it’s convenience and not much else.