Meet Manchester’s BMOCs
Brand Managers on Campus
We all know the type: constant Facebook campaigns, flyering outside the SU and freebies galore.
It’s time to meet the people behind the plugging, the faces behind the flyers. You’ve probably already heard of them, but here’s your exclusive guide to Manchester’s Brand Managers on Campus.
Emily, Tash, Sophie & Katherine – Victoria’s Secret
Our own VS angels
Year/Course: Emily: third year, Ancient History, Tash: third year, Archaeology and Ancient History, Sophie: fourth year, Fashion and Textile Retailing, Katherine: second year, Fashion Buying and Merchandising.
Jeanmiguel Uva – John Lewis Partnership
Year/Course: Second Year, Politics and International Relations.
Why did you choose to work for John Lewis Partnership? I wanted to represent a company where I shop and that I knew sold quality products. As a John Lewis and Waitrose consumer this was the natural choice for me.
Perks: As a JLP rep you get to become a partner of the company, I also met the digital director of Waitrose.
Fun fact: I never drink whiskey younger than 18 years old.
Biggest sin: Making out with a Labour supporting girl.
Greatest achievement: Making out with a girl.
Olivia Evans – Spotify![]()
Year/Course: Fourth year – International Management with American Business Studies.
Why did you choose to work for Spotify? I’m passionate about marketing and brand management and Spotify has such a strong brand. Along with the fact that I use Spotify pretty much all the time I definitely wanted to get involved and share some brand love.
Perks of the job? Unbeatable experience working for a top brand. The party kit: PS4, Guitar Hero, great speaker system, endless supply of cups and Spotify merch. It’s a great way to always be going out and meeting new people. There’s even an opportunity to win a fully paid for trip to Coachella for the best performing Spotify BM.
Fun fact: I met Shane Ward in terrace on Saturday night.
Phobia? Chickens.
Biggest sin? Ordering lemon and herb at Nandos. Arrest me officer.
Greatest achievement on a night out? Not dying in Vegas.
Katy Bailey – Propercorn
Year/Course: Year three – Management.
Why did you choose to work for Propercorn? They’ve got an amazing ethos and are a lot of fun to work with. I really wanted some experience within a start up company so this was brill. Also their clothing is great and I really wanted some.
Perks of the job? Free Propercorn all day errry day.
Fun fact: When I was younger I entered a competition in a newspaper answering “Why is your dream to become a footballer?” I somehow won and got to sit in VIP at Old Trafford for the Unicef game to write for the newspaper accompanied by free food and drink. I have never wanted to become a footballer. Guilty.
Phobia? That someday, somehow the popcorn supply could run out… no Propercorn!
Biggest sin? Eating dangerous amounts of Propercorn, obviously.
Greatest achievement on a night out? Dancing with Lil Chris! (RIP)
Jenny Huzell – Magnet.me
Year/Course: Second Year Management.
Why did you choose to work for Magnet.me? To get experience working for a start up that I believe in.
Perks of the job? Getting to promote a platform that helps students and graduates find jobs in the simplest way using the ease of Facebook and tinder to match you with your desired employers.
Fun fact: I’m Swedish but was born and raised in Prague, Stuttgart and Singapore.
Phobia: Wet paper towels.
Biggest sin? Drunkenly getting a tattoo…on my bum.
Deeba Shadnia – Foreign Office
Year/Course: Second year, studying Politics and International Relations.
Why did you choose to work for the Foreign Office? I’ve always been really interested in working at the FCO and thought it would be a great way for me to learn a bit more about what goes on there.
Perks of the job? We had our training day at the actual Foreign Office behind Downing Street which was pretty awesome. Biggest perk for me has got to be the abundance of free stationary I’ve been given by the FCO. You can never have too many drawstring bags or torch-keyrings.
Fun fact: I can speak Farsi fluently but have never been to Iran- hoping to change that soon though.
Phobia? I try not to let fear get to me, making me the perfect candidate to be a spy. MI6 if you’re reading this, I am available.
Biggest sin? Stealing my housemates food on a regular basis and denying I had any part in it. Sorry not sorry.