Image may contain: Woman, Female, Blonde, Human, Person, People

Gemma Collins is coming to Canal Street

She’s doing a meet and greet at Kiki

Your eyes haven't decieved you, the one and only GC is coming to Manchester, and you can meet her.

Gemma Collins will be walking among us mere mortals on the 12th of November to judge the Kiki Queen's competition at Kiki on Canal Street. The competition supports local drag queens, and the next Kiki Queen will win £1,000.

Image may contain: Poster, Flyer, Brochure, Woman, Female, Blonde, Human, Person, People

All hail GC

You can buy tickets to meet Queen Gem for the mere cost of fifteen pounds, in which you can meet her, have a photo, and gain priority seating of the Gemma Q&A.

For £10 more, you can buy a VIP ticket with which you get a class of prosecco on arrival.

But what is money when you get to meet Gemma Collins? A priceless opportunity. She's earned her divaship.

You can buy tickets for the event here.