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Which Fallowfield roads need more street lights?

Let us know which roads should be better lit

Matt Harvison, creator of the Fallowfield Safety petition is asking students to let him know where they want extra street lights in Fallowfield.

Feedback from students regarding the petition suggested that an increase in street lights would help them feel safer when walking around in the evening. Matt told The Tab Manchester:

"In my opinion, an increase in street lights have been needed and wanted for a while now by Fallowfield residents, not just by students but by other residents in Fallowfield. Better lit streets will most definitely help to deter crime in a time when it is most prevalent.

"We've started working closely now with the University of Manchester's Student Union to try and create some action and put added pressure on the council and Greater Manchester Police to increase street lights around Fallowfield."

As a result, before his meeting with Beverley Hughes, the deputy mayor of Greater Manchester, Matt wants to know where students would like to see more street lights installed. If you think your safety could be improved by better street lighting on a particular road or area of Fallowfield, please comment below or contact Matt through his Facebook post on Fallowfield Students Group.