Manchester SU vote in favour of officially supporting Extinction Rebellion

The movement sparks civil disobedience in a non-violent manner

The University of Manchester Students' Union will now officially support protest group Extinction Rebellion after a vote on Thursday with a 68 per cent majority.

On the 7th of February a policy requesting official support for Extinction Rebellion was passed at the University of Manchester's Student Union. It achieved the vote of 68 per cent in favour of the policy.

University of Manchester Students' Union just passed the policy to officially support Extinction Rebellion, with 68% in…

Posted by Lizzy Haughton on Thursday, February 7, 2019

The humanitarian and political movement Extinction Rebellion calls upon 'fighting against the toxic system' to take heed on the pressing concerns about climate breakdown.

Particularly in Manchester, the movement has grown under people's radars, including a protest outside the University of Manchester Students' Union where they blocked traffic for fifteen minutes to raise awareness about climate change.

Student Union Activities Officer, Lizzy Haughton has spoken out about the policy and its ability to set "precedent for many other unions and universities to lead in the fight against climate breakdown". The movement hopes to "re-spark the traditions of student activism" and inspire those to reach out in helping for everyone's voices to be rightfully heard.

In light of this movement there has also been controversy in regards to the Extinction Rebellion's inclusivity: Concerning the fairly recent arrests that some activist underwent after a roadblock on Oxford Road.

And on the wider scope, the movement has also been criticised for being predominantly white and middle-class. Lizzy addresses that within Extinction Rebellion: "All roles are equal, and we do as much as possible to support".

In light of Manchester SU moving to officially support the Extinction Rebellion, Lizzy said in regards to those who voted in favour of supporting the movement that she "hopes to join many of them in the second wave of rebellion, whatever role they choose to take".