Before you run 5k stop and vote in the first round of Fallowfield’s Fittest
Because fit people are what we need during these terrible times
Recently we asked you to nominate all of the fittest people currently residing in Fallowfield. You did not disappoint. Hotties have been provided. In their literal hundreds.
After trawling through Instagram for the last few days, which was both a treat and a task, we can now present to you: the first six fitties of the competition.
Get voting for whoever you most want to be eyeing up in the final.
More pictures available on The Manchester Tab’s Instagram story!
Grace Brown, first year UoM, Criminology
Grace’s favourite things to do in her spare time include watching true crime documentaries, drinking jagers and drawing or painting.
Juan Finlow, third year MMU, International Business
Juan’s favourite things to do in his spare time include football (he’s in the first team at MMU!), golf and tequila fuelled nights in the Northern Quarter.
Andrea Moanta, second year UoM, Architecture
Andrea’s favourite things to do in her spare time include going for espresso martinis at Haus, drawing and playing lacrosse.
Harry Liversidge, second year UoM, Business
Harry’s favourite things to do in his spare time include athletics, going to Ziggy Sixx on the regular and talking politics with anyone that’ll listen.
Claudia Young, second year UoM, Medicine
Claudia’s favourite things to do in her spare time include making art, going to the gym and going to The Warehouse Project.
Jude Caithness, first year UoM, French and Linguistics
Jude’s favourite things to do in his spare time include trampolining (he’s running for president of the Trampolining Society at UoM), drinking his bodyweight in Cloudy Apple, and being a Geordie without the gross accent.
Think you know someone as fit as this lot? Nominate them here.
For more fit photos and competition updates follow @thetabmanchester on Instagram.