Masks now mandatory on Manchester uni Campus
From tomorrow students and staff will have to wear masks inside university buildings
The University of Manchester has just announced that from tomorrow face masks will be mandatory on-campus for indoor spaces. This means students and staff have to wear masks during teaching, and in study spaces.
In single study spaces (eg. the group study spaces in Ali G and the library) masks are not required, and they are also not required when students are separated by two metres.
The email also states the University “strongly encourages” students to have the covid and flu vaccines as well as regularly washing the hands to stop possible spreading of Covid.
In an email sent to students this morning, the University says that this is a “cautionary measure” as they cannot know the affect of the new Omicron variant yet.
This decision came because the government have announced new rules on wearing masks. From Tuesday masks will be required on public transport and in shops.
It is also now mandatory to take a PCR test when returning to the UK and to self-isolate until you have the result. The government will reassess the rules in three weeks’ time. The government claim they have no plans for another lockdown.
Booster vaccines are being offered to people over 40 and those who had their vaccine six months ago right now, and the government say they are considering widening that group.
The Omicron variant is such a threat as its mutability means that it is more infectious and scientists worry that it may be able to overcome the vaccine.
These measures will stay in place “until further notice” according to the email, and they continue to track the situation.
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