BNOC of the Year: Group 1

Stop what you’re doing


The BNOC of the Year competition is back. Three groups of nominations will fight it out for your votes to be crowned Newcastle’s biggest name on campus.

Over 100 nominations were made to The Tab.

Here’s a few of the biggest names.

George Jeavons-Fellows

Studies: Architecture and Urban Planning, second year

From: Worcester

Reason for being a big name: Runs Boombox at the SU/ socialite

“He’s a fight night champ, good looking, great facial hair and a personality that could charm Queen Liz herself. What more could you want?

“He literally knows everyone, including locals, bouncers and strippers. Can’t walk through town or jesmond for more than 2 minutes before he stops and knows someone.”

Nadine Landes

Studies: Architecture and Urban Planning, second year

From: Manchester

Reason for being a big name: Frequenting Flares

“Nadine Landes is the original Grime MC and claims to be from ‘the endz’ (Cheetham Hill), where Bugsy Malone is rumoured to be her second cousin. Her nickname is ‘Naughty Nadles’. When not working the pole at Flares, she can be found prowling through her hunting ground, Empress, where she is acclaimed for getting free drinks off innocent boys. Nadine is also the social secretary of both the Riding Club (bareback only) and the Jewish Society.”

Temi Olugenga

Studies: Psychology, first year

From: Leicester

Reason for being a big name: Founder of clothing label ‘Virtus’/ DJ

“Part time DJ full time legend, it took Temi only 4 months to get his own night at Cosmic Ballroom. Temi is the coolest guy in Newcastle with a high top haircut. Known by many for his entrepreneurial skills leading to his urban clothing company ‘Virtus’ and by many others for his DJ skills, Temi is a undoubtably a big name on campus.”

Chris Young

Studies: Politics and Sociology, third year

From: London

Reason for being a big name: Ran unsuccessfully for Union President 2016/17 in February

Chris ran for Union President in February where ended up coming second. His YouTube campaign video, which has around 500 views, featured him working out, going to Greggs, taking a trip to Sinners and mocking Ed Milliband. His slogan was #foreveryoung.

In his own words he doesn’t just work hard, but he plays hard too.

Emma McCormick

Studies: History and Politics, first year

From: Belfast

Reason for being a big name: Setting up a GoFundMe page to pay off her overdraft

This fresher shot to fame when she tried to pay off her overdraft with a GoFundMe page and raised over £500. We covered the story, it was printed in The Sun and featured in The Independent and Mail Online.

Her favourite night varies but at the moment she enjoys Digital and World HQ. She told The Tab: “Being northern Irish doing something for the banter is always a valid reason, jokes on them though cause I got a tenner out of setting it up.”

Maddie Fale

Studies: Medicine, second year

From: Leeds

Reason for being a big name: Socialite

“Everyone knows Fale, whether you’re an athlete on a Wednesday night, or just walking round campus. If you don’t know who she is you’ve been living under a rock.”

Josh Chambers

Chambers is middle

Studies: Urban Planing, second year

From: Northern Ireland

Reason for being a big name: Absolute LAD

He lives above Arlo. Could you live in a more convenient location? More commonly referred to by his surname, Chambers, this Northern Irish lad is the biggest charmer Jesmond has ever seen (and not that bad looking).

Has been known to occasionally venture the other side of the tracks for beverages. Made a name for himself on the Ski trip in Easter.

1st and 2nd BNOCs of Group 1 will make it into the final of BNOC of the Year.

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