BNOC takes seven days annual leave to come back for Freshers’ Week
He’s on placement at TfL in London
Newcastle BNOC George Snape has taken a week of annual leave from his internship to help out in Freshers’ Week 2016.
George, who came second in Newcastle’s BNOC of the year competition, took the drastic decision when he realised his internship would collide with the first week of term.
George told The Tab: “I took 7 days off work, from my 30 days holiday that I get. I told my boss that I was going back to volunteer to help run the Freshers’ Week. I tried to explain how in Newcastle it is a huge occasion and how good it is. But I don’t think they understood as they’re all from London. I think they thought I was just going back for a big piss up.”
The Urban Planner helped out in Freshers’ Week 2014 and 2015 but has since got a placement year in industry with Transport for London.
He said: “Freshers’ Week is great fun, it brings so many people together who may never have met and I have literally met so many friends for life from it (without sounding too cringey). If you’re outgoing and sociable and have an appetite for trebles, I thoroughly recommend!”
The BNOC is best friends with organisers Maeve Hannah and Charlie Balkartat: “It’s been a huge challenge for them, but they have smashed it and they’ve loved every minute of it! I will be very sad to go back to work, commuting on the tube with loads of morbid Londoners. Where you pay a fiver for a pint. But that’s the way of the world.”
George plans to be in Newcastle until the weekend when he will return to London to continue his placement year.