The Union wants to find a new name for Mensbar, again
A motion was passed at student council
Last Thursday a motion was passed to find a new name for the Students’ Union bar, Mensbar. The popular bar located in the SU had historically been called Men’s Bar – with only men permitted inside.
Union Sabbatical Officers, who submitted the motion, argued that: “The name ‘Mensbar’ taken in isolation could be interpreted to mean ‘a bar only for men’” and that students and staff at the University and Union have expressed concerns about this.
But the Sabbatical team have been criticised by students who argue that the motion is a lost cause. The same motion was submitted two years ago and people are angry that the name has still not changed.
Ed, Urban planner, third year said: “I hope they actually change it this time instead of farting around doing fuck all, sick of this shit. They’re only promising to ‘gather substantial student feedback on alternative names for NUSU’s bar’. They’re not promising they’ll change it. Here we go again!”
At the time of the 2014 motion being passed the then Femsoc president Lucy Morgan said: “When I asked our members what they thought about the name, the general consensus was that although they appreciated it’s latin origins, there was still initial confusion when first hearing the name.
“If something has to be explained so many times then surely it’s not worth the effort?
“As pointed out in student council, the name also has the potential to alienate international students as they make think it is a bar literally for men as many of our members did upon first arriving to Newcastle University.
“We fully support the motion and are excited to find out the new name”
It’s thought Sabbatical officers will start to find a new name in the new year.