35 things you should under no circumstances do at Newcastle University
Don’t walk up the stairs to the third floor of Armstrong building
Newcastle is undoubtedly the best university in the UK. But it's only going to be the best if you do it right.
If you're doing any of the following 35 things, you need to change your ways stat:
1. Go to Unicorn Fridays at the SU
Has anyone ever been?
2. Live anywhere but Jesmond or West Jesmond in second year
And third year while we're here…Sandyford and Heaton are nice but where's the Waitrose? Not to mention Osborne Road (the OR).
3. Believe someone when they say O2 is fun
Sorry kids, it's just not.
4. Order Diesel at Luthers
It's literally grim.
5. Buy bottles of vodka or prosecco in the club
Who do you think you are???
6. Go to the Boohoo sale fair, unless you enjoy utter carnage
7. Tell everyone and everything you are a medic
Just stay in Marris and leave the medic chat there.
8. Go to the Geordie Shore clubs – they’re not as good as they're made out to be
Hahhah Bijoux and Madame Koos.
9. Wear a puffer to the club
Officially the first thing we ALL need to STOP wearing on a night out in Newcastle.
10. Use your debit card in Soho – they charge!
11. Say "I'll just get cash out in town", then be charged £2.50 to get anything out
12. Forget to buy a Metro ticket
You don't want to be fined for buying a child's ticket.
13. Assume when you move to West Jes you won't use the Metro
Let's be honest you just will.
14. Underrate Mr Lynch – 2 for 1 cocktails on weekdays and a student discount is beaut.
It also closes at 2am, no brainer.
15. Wear heels on a night out in Newcastle
Unless you go to Northumbria, then please don't.
16. Pre in a bar, it'll end up more expensive than you think
17. Shop anywhere other than Aldi
18. Walk up the stairs to the third floor of Armstrong building
When will it end?
19. Accept the accommodation offer if it’s for St Mary's
St Mary's: the accommodation you've never heard of
20. Be late for Swingers, and spend your night freezing to death
21. Fall down the Soho stairs
We've all done it, this guy even broke his hands falling down those treacherous stairs.
22. Talk about your gap yah and wear hareem trousers in Leazes
We know you did a gap yeah, we get it. Please just leave those wavy garms at home.
23. Go to Soho unless you're really drunk
24. Wear an ironic outfit to a Jesmond S&M party, everyone else will be making an effort and laughing in your face
This is no place for irony.
25. Lose all your shit and end up on Castle Leazes Exchange
‘Hahahah pls help, I’m such a mess lol legend’
26. Wear a bucket hat in the Robbo
Not socially acceptable.
27. Take your shoes off in the library if you don't have socks on
EW. Pls note the Robbo rules and etiquette.
28. Do your weekly shop at the corner shop
We love R&K's but it will cost you some dollar.
29. Be lured into having brunch at Arlos all the time, unless you have disposable income
Delicious, but so spenny.
30. Buy any food in the Robbo, ever
Not even delicious and still so spenny.
31. Sit on the third floor in the Robbo
That green is nauseating.
32. Buy cigs from the convenience store on the Bigg Market on a night out, unless you wanna pay £15
33. Wear AirMax to Popworld as they won't let you in
34. Go to Munchies while it's light outside
Maybe on a hangover…
35. Assume going to the library will make you work
You deffo will just end up in the cafe being a social butterfly or go out for cig breaks constantly.
Photo credit: Aaron Shaquille Carlton (Swingers)