Here’s how to replace your fave Newcastle activities now we’re in lockdown
Filling that blue treble shaped void in your life
Living in the “university bubble”, students are often blissfully unaware of what’s going on in the world. You could say as a species we have adapted for isolation. We have developed skills to survive multiple days without leaving the house. We have been training our bodies to survive on basic rations of pasta and pesto for months. This should be a walk in the park…
But now we’re back home. Although having a fully stocked fridge is amazing, and you have every intention to get started on a range of wholesome quarantine activities, you just miss the Toon.
So, to help fill that blue treble shaped void, here’s some inspiration of how to create a ‘Virtual Jesmond’ from your sofa:
Missing having Osborne Road on your doorstep? ZOOM
Move your group chat over to Zoom and put together a virtual pub. Quality chat, free booze but you can actually hear each other and no 11pm closing times. All from the comfort of your own bed, DREAMY.
Can’t live without a morning visit to Greggs? BAKE
Yes, this does require a bit of effort but we have attempted to idiot-proof these steps so that you too can fill your home with the smell of “eau de Greggs”.
Line the tray with tin foil, wrap the sausage of your choice in sheet pastry. Seal it at the side with a beaten egg. Pop it in the oven for 25-30 mins until the pastry is golden and the meat is cooked through.
Desperately missing nights out in the Toon? SPOTIFY
If you find yourself crying into your cereal muttering “take me homeee county roads”, fear not – a bloke called Nathan Long has made a “Flares Bangers” playlist.
Take your top off, swing it around your head and get your cardio in for the day.
The silver lining is in isolation is that we don’t have any: “I’m such a mess I lost my all my possessions and my dignity last night, lol” posts on Leazes Ticket Exchange either.
Feel like your dinner party hosting skills are being wasted? ZOOM
Another perfect Zoom opportunity. Organise your guest list, schedule a meeting and send those invites. Then, make your supper, pour yourself a glass of vino, get online and the stage is yours.
You could definitely create some kind of virtual dinner party game too, we will leave that to your imagination.
Feel guilty continuing a series without your housemates there? NETFLIX PARTY
If you have Google Chrome, Netflix have added a new feature where you can all link up to watch a film at the same time. It’s completely synced up so it will play/pause for everyone at the same time whilst having a running chat in the side bar.
You get all the company of watching it at your uni house or halls, but without the smell of your hungover friends rotting on the sofa next to you.
Miss distracting your friends in The Robbo? HOUSEPARTY
Most of us know what HouseParty is by now, but if you don’t – download immediately. You get notifications when your mates are also bored or you can send continuous “waves” until they pick up just like the glory days of BBM pings.
You can also jump in on any of your mates’ other calls. The idea of this is not dissimilar to going around The Robbo, finding anyone you kind of know to have a chat to so that you don’t have to write any more of your diss.
And finally for all you gym bunnies missing PineTree: ONLINE CLASSES
For those of you who will literally faff for half an hour if you don’t have someone telling you what to do. We’ve attempted to find online versions of a few of your favourite PineTree classes.
Body Combat: London-based @jab_box are doing live workouts on their Instagram page – it’s fast, fun and free!
Extreme Abs, Bums and Tums or Body Attack: Download the FIIT app and get your sweat on, no equipment needed.
Yoga/Body Balance: Instagram’s @YogaAnnie_ is running morning yoga/pilates classes on Zoom, which make you sweat and leave you feeling like you’ve had a warm hug.