JailBreak UEA: The Great Escape
The organisers from this year’s JailBreak event tell us about how it all went.
The organisers of this year's event, RORY MILLS and JOSEPH DUFFY, tease us with some of the details about how the teams got on:
Every year Livewire1350 (UEA’s student radio station) host a fundraising event called Jailbreak. The brief for participants is simple: to gain as much sponsorship and to get as far away from the university in just 48 hours without spending any money on transport. A daunting proposition but this year nearly 50 charitable students accepted the challenge hoping to blag their way to a trip of a lifetime.
This year all the money raised will be going to Cancer Research UK.
The teams had just two weeks to prepare themselves and haggle any free travel they could to give themselves a head start before the competition got under way on Friday 9th March. As the whistle blew to mark the start of the event the JustGiving page already boasted over £4000 in sponsorship.
Nine hours into the competition and the first team was across the border and on route to Cologne, Germany setting the pace for the others to follow. They duly obliged and by the end of the competition teams had escaped as far as Budapest, Seville and Berlin to name but a few.
Over the course of the weekend the Jailbreak blog became the ‘go-to’ source for the latest news on the teams progress. By tweeting ‘#ueajailbreak’ anyone interested or involved in the competition could see the events unfold as they happened with over 1,000 readers and 402 tweets in the two day period.