Agony Aunt/Uncle Wanted

Think you’ve got what it takes to be The Drop’s first Agony Aunt/ Uncle?

Think you've got what it takes to be The Drop's first Agony Aunt/ Uncle?

If the answer is yes, then just email us on [email protected] with a 100-200 word response to the problem below (which this time is just a fictional one!)

We're looking for someone who is good with advice but has a tongue in cheek, possibly humourous, style as we don't want it to be too serious!

Btw you can do it anonymously or under a pseudonym if need be.

"Dear UEA Drop

Me and my boyfriend have been together about 10 months now. At first, the sex was great- and regular. But now, having started out with it being pretty much everyday, I'll be lucky if he shows an interest once every few weeks. I don't know where I'm going wrong- what should I do?!"