APRIL FOOLS: Clive awarded Honourary Degree from UEA
The university have decided to award dear ol’ Clive from Bus no. 25 an honourary degree.
This article is an April Fools.
We love Clive. We really do. So this article was the product of some wishful thinking and was intended to be some light hearted fun.
Clive Ashcroft shall be awarded an honourary degree during this year's graduation ceremony this July.
Clive earned himself fame for being an extraordinarily kind and courteous bus driver over many years of driving the 25 bus.
Now the university have wisely decided to award the UEA celeb and local saint with an honourary doctorate.
Upon hearing the news he said: "My time as a bus driver was a privilege in itself, but this truly is fantastic news. Thank you ever so much."
Clive shall be joining the likes of Eddie Izzard, Star Trek actor Patrick Stewart, and the choirmaster behind the crimbo number one, Gareth Malone, who have all been given honourary doctorates in the past.
UEA Registrar and Secretary Brian Summers said: “We present honorary degrees to those who have made a remarkable contribution to civil society.
"Mr Ashcroft was one of those who was such a distinguished individual that the university felt he richly deserved this recognition.”
The news comes despite the fact Clive was barred from being a busdriver for UEA students back in October, and then quit his job entirely following disagreements with his ex-employers at First.
He was banned from being a bus driver for UEA students after hitting a tree branch while going off route to drop off some students at their homes.
While his gentlemanly ways led him to quitting his job, it won St. Clive the adoration of thousands of UEA students and now this honourary degree from the university.