UEA Drop Challenged me to Survive a Week with just a £20 Note!

The UEA Drop challenges one hungry student to feed themselves for a week. Trouble is, she only has a £20 note.

Exams will be over soon and I’m sure, like me, you’re planning on splashing the cash on post exam celebrations – yay for crippling heels and sickly Pinã Coladas! It’s come to the point where I’m waking up salivating after dreaming of the inevitable Dominoes that follows a night out (you're not having a shout out to a pizza place – Editor) and I even find myself declaring I no longer care how long the Lola’s queue for the toilet is, so long as I can stop smelling of Library.

Life has become a monotonous routine of home, Library, consume millions of snacks, home, more snacks, sleep and library. Sadly, Film Club has become the highlight of my life. (Cannot believe I had never seen Green Mile before!)

Therefore, in this new period in our lives, we are all in need of something that saves us money and gives us energy for the long hours of studying we intend to do. This thought coincided with a chat between Daniel Pirozzolo, the co-editor, and I over how much money we were both spending on food (why I bought Prosciutto Ham, I don’t know, it’s just so yummy). I said I could eat healthily and satisfyingly, breakfast, lunch and dinner, for £20 a week. He didn’t believe me.

So, obviously, I had to prove him wrong. And to do so, here is my shopping list. (IN PICTURES ABOVE). I’d just like to say, I refused to go on a boring diet and there was no way I was going to eat tons of fish just to max out on Omega 3 brain power. Hopefully I’m still pleasing you Mum! I am not a vegetarian and so to eat a veggie dinner would be cheating, as I wouldn’t normally cook them. More than this, as my veggie friends tell me, feeding themselves on £20 for a week would be easy. In light of all this, here is a week’s food – all for £20.31. Please forgive me the 31p 😉

P.S. Sorry about my terrible presentation skills in the pictures above, I assure you both were delicious!


Variety Cereal Pack and Milk.

1. Boiled Egg and Soldiers.
2. Jacket Potato and Cheese.
3. Cheese on Toast.
4. Bacon Sandwich.
5. Cheese and Cherry Tomato Sandwich.
6. Poached Egg on Toast.
7. Omelette.

1. Steak, Wedges, Salad.
2. Chicken Cesar Salad.
3. Spaghetti Carbonara.
4. Spaghetti Bolognaise.
5. Cottage Pie.
6. Creamy Spaghetti with Chicken, Garlic, Leeks.
7. Steak, Sweet Potato Jacket Potato, Cherry Tomato, Cheese and Salad.

Sarah Tickle 1 – 0 The Drop

Told you I could do it, Dan!