Give us your bras!
Join in the Oxfam Big Bra Hunt and come along on Friday to the Hive with your unwanted bras!
Blow away those exam blues by proudly bringing your bra along to the Hive on Friday between 12-4pm. Strange as this may sound there’s nothing dodgy going on here, but an easy way to raise money for charity with Oxfam’s Big Bra Hunt. If the likes of Helen Mirren can donate her unwanted underwear then so can you!
Oxfam’s Big Bra Hunt will take place in the Hive on Friday 18th 12-4pm, and organiser, second year English and American Literature student Hatty Farnham, is hoping to collect a whopping 600 bras of all shapes, sizes and colours from the lovely females of UEA.
It’s the easiest thing to donate, but what may seem like a small venture is going to make a big difference. All of the bras donated to Oxfam will be sent to help women in Senegal. Good quality bras are a rare commodity in Senegal, as few businesses have the technology available to make them. Local women will be able to sell the donated bras second hand through Frip Ethique – an Oxfam run social enterprise – to local market traders, so boosting local economy and helping women to afford provisions and support for their families. The profits are also invested in Oxfam’s work fighting poverty in Senegal.
As well as bra gathering, a bake sale and big collection will also take place, so even if you don’t have a bra to donate (be it for financial or technical reasons!) still come along and dig deep for a worthy cause.
There may be collection points on other days if you can’t make Friday so check out the Facebook page to keep posted!
The Big Bra Hunt is a great way of making sure that donations raise as much money as possible, as well as enabling people in deprived to make a living so make sure that come Friday this isn’t a cup half empty venture!
For more info visit the UEA Big Bra Hunt Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/events/305857892813323/
As well as the Oxfam website: https://www.oxfam.org.uk/donate/shops/bra-hunt_hunt.html