Top Ten Drinking Games
They’re a big part of uni life, so here are some old favourites and some new ones to try at pre-drinks this semester.
Let’s face, we all love a drink here at UEA and pre-drinks pretty much epitomises the uni experience. Whether you look on drinking games as a fond memory of getting to know your flat in first year, or the reason you kept passing out before the night had even started, we’ve all played them.
Here are some old favourites and some new ones to try, so get ready to down it freshaaa.
1. Crate escape
Everyone playing buys a crate of cider/beer. These are then stacked up against the door so that no one can get out. No one is allowed to leave the room until every last can has been drunk. If you need the loo in the meantime … tough shit. Probably not one for a girls night.
2. Amy Winehands
Tape a bottle of wine to each hand. You can’t undo the tape until you’ve drunk the contents of both bottles. You might say ‘What happens if I haven’t finished by the time to go to the LCR?’ but let’s be honest, with the combination of peer pressure, the need to be able to use your hands, and the fact that you’ve just drunk two bottles of wine, you probably won’t be making it to the LCR.
3. Wizard Lad Drinking Game
Step 1 – Dress up as a wizard
Step 2 – Drink as many cans of beer/cider as you can and then tape them together. Whoever has the longest staff by the end of pre-drinks (oi-oi) wins and gets to decide forfeits for all the other players. All staffs and outfits must be taken out with you as well.
4. I Have Never
When you start off it’s all about getting to know each other, but let’s face it – after a couple of weeks it pretty much becomes a way of embarrassing someone or making pointed comments.
5. Paranoia
Sit in a circle. The person to your left whispers a question in your ear so that only you can hear i.e. Who is most likely to be sick on themselves tonight? You then say the person in the group you think is the answer to the question. If the poor paranoid person in question asks you what the question is, you must tell them and they have to drink. But if they can live without knowing then you drink. Sneaky tips include laughing when you hear the question and smirking when you say their name to increase the paranoia.
6. Centurion
One hundred shots of beer. One hundred minutes. Nuff said.
7. Drinking Jenga
On each jenga piece write a forfeit. E.g. do 4 fingers, kiss the person to your right etc. For a full list check out this link.
8. Flip, Sip or Strip
Toss a coin in the air. As it comes down call heads or tails. If you’re right pass it on to the next person. However, if you’re wrong you must either do a finger of your drink or take off an item of clothing. NOTE you can only do the same option for two goes in a row.
9 .Beer Pong
If you really need me to tell you how to play this then just leave uni now.
10. Ring of Fire
Yes that old chestnut. Probably the most well know and well loved/hated of all drinking games. The premise is simple. Get a load of cards and spread them out round a pint glass/saucepan/kettle (basically whatever comes to hand). Every flat seems to have their own variation, but here are some of The Tab’s favourites:
- Ace = Waterfall, the person who drew the card starts drinking, and chooses whether the waterfall will go to their left or right. The person next to them can’t stop drinking until they’ve finished, and so on around the circle. The last person usually either has to pretend to be drinking when they’re really not or just accept that they’re going to make their way through about 3 pints
- 2 = You – Choose someone to drink, generally the person you think isn’t drinking enough, the person who made you drink before, the person who is already stupidly drunk so they might as well keep going or the person who (for your own nefarious reasons) you want to get absolutely smashed
- 3 = Me
- 4 = Whores
- 5 = Gecko – The last person to have all four limbs against the wall has to down their drink
- 6 = Dicks
- 7 = Heaven
- 8 = Mate – Choose someone to be your mate and for the rest of the game whenever you drink they do the same and vice versa. One of the quickest ways to get drunk in Ring of Fire, apart from having to down at the end. And if your mate gets this the rest of the players have to make you up an identical concoction
- 9 = Rhyme
- 10 = I Have Never
- Jack = Invent a rule
- Queen = Drink Bitch! – Stick the Queen card to your head, for the rest of the game if anyone says ‘Drink Bitch!’ you have to drink – no complaining!
- King = Put some of your drink in the bowl. Whoever gets the last King downs it all