Top Of The Poops

An anonymous UEA bog blogger has kicked up a stink.

We know life at UEA can occasionally be a bit crap, but is this blog taking the piss?

A mystery male third-year is boldly going where no student has gone before and is attempting to visit every single toilet on campus before graduation (even those in CD Annexe).

He plans to judge them according to a set of very strict criteria, including: atmosphere; condition of toilet; toilet roll dispenser quality; hand-washing facilities and hand drying equipment.

So far, the ITCS’ bogs are winning. Our mystery man was impressed by the spacious cubicles and Dyson Airblade dryer, and gave the toilet a magnificent 8.2/10.

Other toilets over campus haven’t fared so well. The toilets in The Hive, which provide the setting of many a dramatic encounter on LCR nights, were poo-pooed for the “limited friction of the toilet roll dispenser” and the “shoddy excuse for a hand-dryer.”

We look forward to the next meeting of Union Council, where the results of this blogger’s scientific findings will undoubtedly be discussed in detail.

Until then, we’re trying to solve the mystery of the blogger’s identity. Have you got a friend who mysteriously disappears to the other end of campus to do a number two? Or maybe you’ve spotted someone taking notes in a toilet, whilst salivating over a Dyson Airblade?

Let us know below.