Dissertation – To do or not to do?
Verity Stone offers some sound advice on the toughest decisions facing students.
So the time for exam preparation and module-selection for next year is looming, and for some that also includes considering whether or not to do a dissertation. Many will already have decided, but for those of you who haven’t yet made up your mind, hopefully this might make things a bit clearer.
So let’s first of all look at the pros:
• Self-fulfilment
In your last year of uni, as well as getting good grades you also want to feel as though you’ve achieved something great out of all the work you’ve put in over the last 3 years, and the end product of a dissertation is bound to do that – providing you’ve put the work in, of course.
• Research skills and creativity
Whilst the work is strenuous, you will develop countless skills as a result of conducting your own research. Whilst you’re quite familiar with maintaining a good quality of writing, presentation and content for your previous work, dissertations take it to the next level, and since it will count as 25% of your degree, the pressure is on to make it the best piece of work you would have ever produced. This is also a brilliant opportunity to be your own boss and get creative!
• Less exam burdens
This speaks for itself, just one less exam off your list! If you’re also one who hates exams, loves coursework and is actually good at it then go for it!
• Work experience
Your dissertation counts as a professional piece of academic work, or at least you should treat it that way. Having spoken to a few people who have previously done dissertations, they said it’s literally like having “work experience”, and mentioning it on a CV and in interviews in the future, it will guarantee to put you in good stead – employers love to see examples of your passion and motivation. Also, if you plan on going into a research industry, or are considering postgrad education, this is a great head start!
• Advisory help
There is so much help on campus to guide you through your dissertation. While the pressure is on and the work can only be done by you, it’s going to be stressful at times, but your adviser and the Dean of Students is there for you.
And finally the cons:
• The central theme: stress, stress, STRESS!
Now, this isn’t to scare anyone away from the idea, but it’s something that everyone knows – whether they’ve done a dissertation or not. It is stressful. Dissertations are time-consuming and frustrating when you can’t find all of the information you need, but if you’re motivated and passionate about what you’re doing then you’ll power through!
Whatever you decide, good luck!