Survey: Your Tab Needs You!

Let us know what you love and loathe about The Tab!

The Tab have done some amazing work this year, and we want to make it bigger and better. We’ve created a survey so you can tell us what you love about us (everything) and what you think we can improve on (nothing).

We know it’s the end of the semester (thank God) and the Tab team will be taking a well-earned rest. It gets exhausting writing about the latest boring Union policies or which toilets on campus are the nicest, you know. The new team will be back with a bang after Easter, and they need your help!

We are the only completely independent paper at UEA, and we write for you. So if you’re wanting to procrastinate from revision for five minutes, give us a hand by filling out the survey here and helping us to make The Tab more funny, more controversial, more UEA.

And remember, if you really love/loathe a section- we’re currently looking for editors! Apply with why you’d be suitable and what you’d do with your section at [email protected]. No experience necessary, just the enthusiasm to bring to UEA the stuff students want to read!