How To: Trim Your Waistline and Bolster Your Wallet
The Tab offers three easy tips on how to use exam period to make yourself a little healthier, while also saving some cash.
It is exam time, we are just heading into summer, the time of year when it becomes appropriate to get your kit off in public without anyone batting an eyelid.
But after about 9-10 months of student living, consisting of copious amounts of cheap booze, takeaway and general junk food. Combined with what is likely to be less than the NHS advised 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week, your body is going to be less than a temple of perfection.
These tips won’t transform you into a paragon of health, but they will help you get a bit more trim for the summer while bulking out your wallet and are very easy to implement during the exam period:
- Use the revision period to cut down on drinking, saving yourself the unnecessary calories (and cash) that come with excessive alcohol consumption. If you are going to drink, a glass of red wine is a good choice. But if you would rather drink vinegar than wine just try and hold yourself back a bit when you are having a beer with your mates.
- You will probably be going out less, which means less drunken trips to Piccolo’s or SFC after a night out, but also try to resist the urge order out. If you do fancy something resembling a takeaway, make it yourself. It doesn’t have to be gourmet, even the most culinary challenged can make their own healthier and cheaper pizza by buying a premade base and some fresh toppings for it.
- Use the good weather we are having at the moment to take a break from your revision and go for a walk or cycle a few times a week. If you aren’t in a rush you could also try leaving your bus pass at home and walk or cycle whenever you need to go somewhere. Both of these are easy ways of getting a bit of light exercise into your routine and if you don’t have a bus pass it will save you even more money!
Did you find this at all helpful? Would you be interested in more easy to implement lifestyle tips to help you be a bit healthier? Would you like to see some easy to do, healthy student meals? Let us know and The Tab will provide!