Facebook is going to ruin your life
Don’t let Facebook addiction (which is actually a thing, apparently) take you over!
You know social media is a really unproductive way of spending your time, but you still use it as your number one method of procrastination. However, and especially during exam period, it’s crucial that you don’t let Facebook addiction take over. But that’s easier said than done…
If you add up all the few minutes you spend throughout the day just checking, sharing and liking, it quickly adds up. Facebook and Twitter is great for bringing us together, but it can also turn you into a red-eyeballed recluse.
So maybe this exam season is the time to wean yourself off social media – not entirely, because of course you need to know what’s going on while you’re stuck in the Library. But half the statuses we see nowadays are pointless anyway – who actually cares what you’re having for dinner?
Here are just a few reasons why Facebook is going to ruin your life in the long run:
1. Addiction
It’s the number one ‘go to’ for procrastination and time-wasting. Like most other things in life, using it in moderation is fine, but it’s always surprising how much time you spend on it. Last year, America’s first ‘Facebook Rehab Centre’ was opened – but I’m pretty sure a lot of us would struggle to go cold turkey…
2. Low self-esteem
We’ve all done some Facebook-stalking at one point or another, but experts suggest that the more you do this (especially with people who seem to like bragging about absolutely everything), the more it impacts the way you view your body image and yourself in general. We’ve got enough stress with exams at the moment, comparing yourself and feeling down should not be something we allow to happen.
3. Exercise
If you’re like me and take each day as it comes with no specific plans for exercise, then why not spend the half hour you spent stalking your old school friends going for a de-stressing jog?
Using social media can be a lot of fun, but in exam time it’s all too easy to swap textbooks for Twitter. For every-day users, why not try a day or two off – how long can you go without tearing your hair out? Coming from someone who instantly types in facebook.com as soon as I turn on my laptop, I’d imagine it’s going to be a challenge.