Exam Season Sex Survey Results
Is sex the ultimate procrastination method or is revision just a massive cockblock? The Tab reveals all…
At the beginning of the exam season the Tab was nosing into your business once again. We made it our mission to find out whether sex is the ultimate method of procrastination, or if revision is just a massive turn-off. Three hundred of you answered the call: here are the results.
Looks like very few of us will be getting a first in extra-curricular antics this July…
The stats:
- 23% said exam stress has affected their sexual performance
- 27% said their exam performance would be improved if they had sex the night before an exam
- Outside of the exam season, 38% of students told us they have sex 3-4 times a week (lucky them!). When asked how much sex you have during exams, however, only 22% of you gave this response and the most popular answer was 1-2 times a week.
You said:
“Once shagged a lecturer who I’d been to see for revision.”
“Me and a few friends hook up in exam season to relieve stress and generally have some fun. There’s 6 of us so you’re never without a partner.”
“Naked revision certainly makes facts about the french new wave movement more interesting and memorable.”
Revision: the ultimate third wheel?
The stats:
- 57% said they spend less time with their partner in exams
- 17% have had a relationship end as a result of exams
You said:
“Broke up with a partner who said that I was being too selfish pulling all nighters to study for my exams, and I was inconsiderate as I didn’t allocate him some sexy time.”
“It becomes more difficult to see each other over the exam period when you’re in a long-distance relationship.”
“A coursemate was nearly late for an exam after he stayed round his girlfriend’s the night before and forgot to set the alarm on his phone… Somehow, despite (by his own admission) only having had three hours sleep, he still managed a half-decent mark.”
Taking matters into your own hands
When all else fails…
The stats:
- 38% said they masturbate more in the exam season, giving less opportunities for sex, stress and even procrastination as reasons
You said:
“Tissues should be available in the library study booths; easier and more pleasurable than having a cigarette break”
“I use masturbation as a reward mechanism when revising. Works a treat and I’m less stressed.”
“Your right hand becomes your new best friend”
Did revision affect your sex life this exam season? Share your experiences in the comments box below.