The 5 Most Irritating Library Crimes
The most irritating of library faux pas…
The UEA library: home to stress and passive aggressive glaring. Here are the Tab’s pet library peeves…
Using a computer, but not using a computer…
This is probably the biggest sin of all. We all know that you have to fight to the death for a computer. Pass through those Floor 0 doors and you’re immediately locked into an unspoken battle, pacing up and down to skirt out any free spaces, trying not to look so desperate that you have to stand stock-still to spot one. Then, as you leave despondent, you spot someone at it. Someone sat at one of those Holy Grails, but also tapping away on their laptop (often a Mac…). If you do this, please don’t. I don’t want to be arrested, but certainly cannot be responsible for my actions.
Whenever I see someone eating, it is likely to awaken the beast that is my stomach, and the grumbling immediately interrupts my work. First, a massive glance around for the sneaky, gloved librarians and, when the offender feels the coast is clear, the opening of the crisp packet extremely carefully and slooowly, consequently making that pesky packet of McCoys even louder. SSSHHHHH!
Lack of books
Walking into the library as a Fresher, I was dumbfounded by the seemingly never-ending shelves of books. Until I had an essay that the rest of my class had too. Same sources, same books, same authors. I probably should go earlier and search as soon as I know about the assignment. But I don’t. Because I’m normal. Please get some extra copies UEA!
Loud Music
Whether you’re sat on public transport, in the kitchen with a particularly unsociable flatmate or in the library, you’re bound to hear someone else’s music at some point. A vicious circle ensues as you turn your music up, the person next to you does the same, and the person sat at the end who forgot their iPod today is in hell. Please keep your music down, ask the person next to you if they can hear it if needs be. This also applies if you sit and watch YouTube clips horrifically loudly. Could you not? You’re also wasting a computer (see first point). Be courteous and keep your music down. Unless it’s Beyonce, always turn that shit up.
Taking off your shoes. (Yes, you read that correctly.)
This seems to be an epidemic spreading across all floors of the library. I’m not sure who started it, and I don’t want to know. But please refrain from taking off your shoes. I could probably just about cope with your socks but bare feet? Gag. No, just no.