Students To Vote On President Question
And we could be getting sparkling new Officer positions too!
All UEA students will have the chance next month to have their say on whether the Union needs a President or not.
A referendum (campus-wide vote) has been called for the 5th February, following the announcement of the Officer Roles Review next month.
Students will vote on whether the Officer structure should remain how it is, or whether the Union should overhaul it and create a new one. There are currently four full time officers-
- Communications,
- Community and Student Rights,
- Finance
- Academic.
The new roles, chosen by the Student Officer Committee, are aimed at helping students understand the roles better. If students vote YES in the referendum, the old roles will become obsolete. Instead, the Union will have five full time officers-
- Undergraduate Education Officer,
- Postgraduate Education Officer,
- Campaigns and Democracy Officer,
- Welfare, Community and Diversity Officer
- Student Activities and Opportunities Officer.
The roles of ‘Communications’ and ‘Finance’ would be abolished, as students pointed out at a General Meeting last Monday that they are misleading job titles.
Finance Officer Joe Levell said today ‘The main thing about the roles review is that we have consulted and come up with a new model which is going to students. For the first time in years, students are having a say in the people who represent them full time and try to make their lives better, and it is really important that everyone votes and has their say.
‘There is some really positive change in this – a full time Activities and Opportunities Officer to focus on clubs and societies and employability will massively improve the student input and raise awareness of all of the great things the Union can achieve! Alongside a full time PG Academic Officer, this means we are reaching out further than we have ever gone before.’
Non Portfolio Officer Joe Raynes explained to The Tab why he believes this role review is positive. ‘Splitting the Academic role into undergrad and post-grad will mean we can focus fully on the particular needs of both. The Activities and Opportunities Officer will help students have a great student experience and make sure clubs and societies are well run. These are the main changes and they’re designed to make sure the Officer team works best for students and also be accessible to them. ‘
In addition, a separate question will be asked- “Should the ‘Campaigns & Democracy Officer’ be renamed ‘President’ and in addition take a lead role in campaigning to the university for students and coordinating the student officer team?
If students vote ‘YES’, UEA will join the vast majority of universities in the country who have a President leading the Student Union.
The roles review follows a year in which the Union has faced criticism and controversy over its democratic practices. Women’s Officer Rachel Knott told The Tab ”A president will bring the focus and clarity students deserve from their union at this time of confusion’.
NUS Delegate Dan Wrigglesworth said ‘ Students should be voting yes for a president as it would be a position that would bring coordination that is lacking this year. Also, it is a relatable role, something that we don’t have this year which is why we needed a restructure.’
UEA Labour Chair Connor Rand also agrees with the idea of a President ‘It takes Officers a while to get to get used to there (already overlapping and confusing) portfolios at the start of their term and a President will be able to steer Student Union activities at this time. Our Union needs a President, for the sake of students who rely on their Union to deliver progress and change their student experience for the better.’
If the roles review is passed, any student wishing to become a Full Time Officer for next year will have a new set of job descriptions to choose from. Any student can run for election, however, it is traditionally graduating students who decide to run for the role of Full Time Officer.
The Part Time Officer roles, normally filled by second and third years, will remain unchanged.
Will you be voting ‘Yes’ in the roles restructure? Do you think UEA could do with a President? Let us know in the comments section!