Union Elections: Meet Your Candidates!
SICK OF POSTERS AND MANIFESTOS? We’ve taken the best bits off them for you.
The banners lining The Square can only mean one thing – it’s Election Week, and to mark it The Tab has come up with a quick guide to all the candidates, their policies, and even some fun facts about the faces behind the posters.
Full-Time Roles
Activities and Opportunities Officer
Evie Forster
Bio: “Hi, I’m Evie! I’m president of UEA Snow. I think it’s important that everyone has fun and enjoys their lives at UEA rather than stressing out in the Library all the time! That’s what I want to achieve if elected as your Activities and Opportunities Officer.”
- Start a scheme where sports clubs hold training sessions in a foreign language to get international students more involved in clubs.
- Create a bigger spectator culture by getting students more involved in sporting events and competitions.
Fun Fact: Keen snowboarder.
Emma Gladwin
Bio: “Hi, I’m Emma and I’m a final year student. I’m a cyclist by passion and a diplomat by nature. I am enthused by helping people, always with a dimpled smile.”
- Start a ‘Socby Day’ – a Derby Day for societies.
- Approach local businesses to support clubs and societies.
Fun Fact: Was known as ‘Ninja Tortoise’ during her time playing for the Ultimate Frisbee Team.
Daniel Gottschalk
Bio: “I am a third year Environmental Science student and President of the largest sports club on campus, UEA Rock Climbing. I aim to make sports clubs, societies and career opportunities more accessible for everyone. I think the people of this university deserve better, and I know I can improve your experience.”
- Create a ‘Society Ziggurat Challenge’ – a free chance for societies to do sport together.
- Add school-specific events to academic timetables so students do not miss events that could shape their future.
Fun Fact: Can name all 197 countries in under 15 minutes.
Chloe Carla Zarha Hashemi
Bio: “I’ve been an active member of UUEA on the clubs/societies scene from day one. I have been heavily involved in Union events, predominantly through my photography, where I have captured several main events around campus. I genuinely care about our UEA and the student body. I want to voice your opinions on our campus and beyond.”
- Hold dynamic socmarts on a mid-term basis to showcase the essence of what a society does and give students multiple chances to get involved.
- Make council more approachable by holding a series of mock council sessions in a conversational tone.
Fun Fact: Lives in Cyprus when not at UEA.
Adam Mower
Bio: “I am a third year Mathematics student, President of the Knitting Society, Social Secretary of Korfball Club, and someone who cares about the future of the Union.”
- Streamline the Union so it can keep doing amazing things while lowering the deficit.
- Stand against the trend of idealistic waffle and get things done rather than talk about a level of perfection that can never be reached.
Fun Fact: Lost a bet so now has a ‘#YOLO’ tattoo on his left buttcheek.
Arron Reed
Bio: “Hi, I’m Arron and I’m currently a third year Biological Sciences student. I believe student groups and activities are the heart of the university experience. Over the past four years I have held four different committee positions across clubs and societies! I absolutely LOVE UEA!”
- Make student media an integral part of UEA life and promote clubs, societies and events through the different media sources.
- Bring in a Union loyalty card for use at Sports Night and LCR nights.
Fun Fact: Big fan of Hama beads.
Vanessa Schneider
Bio: “Hi, I’m Vanessa and I’m a third year Politics with Media student. I work for ENTS, volunteer in the Student Sports Office, am President of UEA Glee showchoir and a newly-enthusiastic hockey player.”
- Involve societies in open/visit days through demonstrations and guest speaking slots in lecture theatre visitor talks.
- Make BUCS more transparent to staff and club committee members and a priority for players.
Fun Fact: Once ate an entire block of cheese in one day.
Lauren Sloan
Bio: “Hi! I’m Lauren and I’m a third year Politics student, the current Ethical Issues Officer, a Committee Member of a number of societies and have been heavily involved with the Union for the past year.”
- Lower prices at the Sportspark.
- Ensure the fair treatment of Union staff.
Fun Fact: Started up the UEA Food Co-op and has been providing lentils and porridge oats to students for a whole year.
Yinbo Yu
Bio: “I am a Union Councillor, President of the Chinese Students and Scholars Association and a third year Economics student.”
- Provide online Union room booking.
- Create more Union social events not based on drinking.
Fun Fact: Has no sense of direction and often gets lost on campus.
Campaigns and Democracy Officer
Rob ‘Bobbie’ Ingham Clark
Bio: “I’m Rob ‘Bobbie’ Ingham Clark, I’m 23, I did my undergrad here and now I’m doing a Masters in International Security. I’ve been a committed member of the Lacrosse team and also have been involved with Touch Rugby and Live Music Society. I’m really keen to increase democracy at UEA by getting more people involved with the Union and student politics.”
- Ensure the visibility of campaigns, clubs and societies, including the Higher Block Grant.
- Create greater transparency in the Union with a view to making it more relevant to a largely apathetic and disenfranchised student population.
Fun Fact: Renowned for his “particularly soft” flowing locks.
Chris Jarvis
Bio: “I’m a third year Philosophy and Politics student, President of People & Planet and committee member of three other societies. I am also a member of the Executive Committee for a national campaigning organisation. I am planning and organising many campaigns on campus including Fossil Free, Fair Play Campus and Stop the Privatisation of Student Debt (remember the red boxes?)”
- Use Home Run to lobby private landlords to insulate student houses, meaning your house stays warm and your bills stay low.
- Stop the Accommodation Fee Rise being planned by the University.
Fun Facts: Has a collection of over 30 different types of tea.
Joe Raynes
Bio: “I believe the Union should campaign on issues that actually affect students at UEA such as hidden course costs, housing and the Hubs. I will help to run campaigns that are relevant to you and make sure you feel supported and prepared to get involved.”
- Ensure there is much more space for students, clubs and societies as part of the Union House refurbishment.
- Introduce an NUS Card Discount to The Shop so students don’t have to go to Tesco for better value.
Fun Fact: Came third on The Weakest Link in 2011.
Jonathan Tindall
Bio: “I am a third year History student focusing mostly on Modern History. I am a dedicated member of UEA Hockey Club and and have worked for the Union this year as part of the Ents Promotion Team. My study of History has given me a keen understanding of politics and an appreciation for the importance of all aspects of democracy. It is important to me to make sure we understand what the Union is doing and why decisions are made as I have found adequate explanations lacking.”
- Create more avenues for students to have their voice heard, i.e. through opinion surveys.
- Make sure students are made aware of decisions made on their behalf through a better explanation of policies, campaigns and actions via social media and increased contact time with Union officers in face-to-face meetings.
Fun Fact: Once travelled across an entire African country, and visited three countries in one day.
Elliot Wengler
Bio: “I’m a third year Politics with Media student. I’m also convinced Futurama will be back. Also a fan of Minions, Doctor Who, spicy food and hats. I like baking cookies and brownies. I might give out free ones during this campaign. I am Headlights Comedy Society President, UEA:TV Secretary, Livewire DJ, and in Labour and Stop the Traffik.”
- Create a Bloc Grant campaign to save the Union’s finances, including Freedom of Information from UEA.
- Make the student voice, charity groups and campaigning groups the most important in next year’s elections.
Fun Fact: Was declared the 16th best Pokemon player in the country after playing a Nintendo tournament in 2004.
Undergraduate Education Officer
Eleanor McDavis
Bio: “I’m Elle and I’m running for Undergraduate Education Officer. I’m a final year American History and Politics student and I have been involved in student representation for the past four years.”
- Strive to make the Hubs work effectively for students.
- Reduce the times for coursework returns.
Fun Fact: Doing UEA Strictly this year for Pole Fitness.
Jake Montanarini
Bio: “During my time at UEA I have been an active member of the Union involved with a number of societies and have participated in various other bits and pieces. I would love to have the opportunity to chat with you about the ideas I have and what else I could do to improve your experience here.”
- Strengthen relationships between the Union and the Hubs to guarantee the smooth process of submission, marking and feedback is carried out as promised.
- Promote peer-led opportunities such as campus-wide book exchange and pursue a printing allowance.
Fun Fact: Has climbed the Great Wall of China in flip-flops.
Connor Rand
Bio: “Hi, I’m Connor Rand and I’m a third year History student! Whilst at UEA I’ve been involved in many clubs and societies and I’ve sat on Union Council, most recently for History. I believe we need to open up our Union and make academic representation work for you.”
- Provide personalised exam feedback for all students.
- Ensure that all coursework is returned within two weeks and can be submitted electronically where appropriate, with electronic feedback.
Fun Fact: His parents got the idea for his name from the brave Scottish swordsman Connor MacLeod in the film ‘Highlander’.
Tilly Wood
Bio: “Hi, I’m Tilly and I’m a fourth year Maths student. As your Undergraduate Education Officer I will represent your views to the University on the issues that matter to you!”
- Give individual exam feedback so students can understand their personal mark and not just receive vague statements about general performance.
- Ensure the university provides support to lecturers so they have time to mark coursework and return it within the 20 working days as promised.
Fun Fact: Vice President of Trampolining and can do a straight-back somersault on a trampoline.
Postgraduate Education Officer
Kristina Zybina
Bio: “Hi! I’m Kristina Zybina and I’m a Postgraduate Taught Student at the Norwich Business School, and am also a Student Course Representative for the Human Resource Management course.”
- Provide more detailed feedback with explanations to why the mark was given.
- Forge better links with students and advisers.
Fun Fact: Speaks four languages and has worked as an interpreter since the age of 16.
Liam McCafferty
Bio: “Hi, my name’s Liam, and I’m a part-time MRes Philosophy student. I’ve been involved in the Union at many levels: from grass-roots campaigning (Save UEA Music, Anti Fees and Cuts) to being a part-time officer for two years. I’m also currently a Chair of Union Council.”
- Campaign for a fairer fee structure to ensure the affordability of Postgraduate courses.
- Campaign for improved work-space for PGR and PGT students, finding appropriate work-spaces in the Union when none is otherwise available.
Fun Fact: Attempts to model his life on football presenter Jeff Stelling.
Welfare, Community and Diversity Officer
John Chapman
Bio: “I’m a final year Law/French student and a Union Councillor. I’ve worked for Nightline since my first year, have been an LCR First Aider with St John’s Ambulance since 2011 and Exchange Student Network President since January 2013, re-establishing the society from scratch whilst still on my year abroad!”
- Work to improve understanding, awareness and support of mental health issues through a ‘Time to Change’ campaign.
- Ensure closer integration of home and international students
Fun Fact: Worked at the 2012 Olympics and met several of the Team GB athletes.
Cadi Cliff
Bio: “I am a third year English Literature with Creative Writing student. I am President of VegBox and a Committee Member of three other societies, and have been a Union Councillor for two years. I am an active campaigner on campus – you may have heard of Stop the Privatisation of Student Debt, Sweatshop Free, Fair Pay Campus, Living Wage and Fossil Free.”
- Fight against UEA’s plans to increase the cost of living in halls of residence.
- Lobby the County Council to keep street lights on after 11.30pm.
Fun Fact: Has a back tattoo, part of which is in Elvish.
Rachel Knott
Bio: “I’m Rachel Knott. Third year English Literature with Creative Writing student, current Women’s Officer, and Vice-President of UEA Feminism. I’ve been involved in many campaigns to improve students’ lives at UEA and worked with societies like Amnesty, Leeway, and UEA Pride. I want to ensure everyone’s time at UEA is the best it can be and that no one’s voice goes unheard.”
- Lobby the Council and University to keep street lights on at night.
- Run regular well-being weeks to remove the stigma around mental health.
Fun Fact: Collects lipstick and owns over 30.
Farah Shahabuddin
Bio: “Hi, my name is Farah Shahabuddin. I am a third year English Literature and Philosophy student. I am energetic, enthusiastic and eager to work with students to improve our Union.”
- Assimilate international students into the UEA community by hosting events to raise interest and awareness of different cultures, such as international coffee hours.
- Campaign for self-defence classes and a late-night buddy system so students can feel more secure.
Fun Fact: Modelled in the KAOS Fashion Show.
Holly Staynor
Bio: “I’m a third year Philosophy student, part-time officer and committed member of lots of UEA things. By night I’m an aspiring interpretive dancer.”
- Provide stronger and fairer mental health services on campus.
- Provide greater support for isolated individuals and hard-to-reach groups on campus.
Fun Fact: Cliff Richard is her granddad’s cousin.
Part-Time Roles
Environment Officer
Gilbert Macnaughton
Bio: “My name is Gilbert Macnaughton and I am a first year History student. I became passionate about politics at a young age, which was triggered mainly by concerns about the environment. I believe climate change is the most serious problem facing the world today, which is why one of my life’s goals is to ensure that UEA becomes the most environmentally-friendly university in the country.”
- Work to introduce recyclable cups to the bars and the LCR.
- Propose that the Union creates its own vegetable garden, employs students to maintain it and and sells the produce in The Shop.
Fun Fact: Smokes a pipe.
Tim Cutler
Bio: “I am a first year student studying Meteorology and Oceanography. I am passionate about environmental issues and want to get involved and make a difference. I am an active member of People & Planet, Carbon Crew and the Young Greens. I have been involved in several environmental campaigns around campus, including Fossil Free.”
- Continue the Fossil Free campaign for the University to break its links with the fossil fuel industry.
- Campaign for items sold in The Shop to be labelled with their carbon footprint.
Fun Fact: Can recite Pi to over 100 decimal places.
Iain Goddard
Bio: “I study Environmental Science, focusing on social sciences. This has given me some great experience in topics such as low carbon energy, environmental politics, economics, behaviour change and impact assessment. I have over 5 years of combined committee experience, including running the campus allotments for the past year. I am looking for the opportunity to combine what I’ve learned about the environment with the experience and influence I have established through the Union to make the University function more sustainably.”
- Hold regular student-run bicycle repair workshops.
- Develop campus orchard as a relaxing escape for all students.
Fun Fact: Hasn’t cut his hair for over 12 years.
Ethical Issues Officer
Josh Wilson
Bio: “I am a second year International Development with Economics student, a Union Councillor and Co-President of a student society.”
- Lobby the University to ensure that the highest paid worker gets paid no more than ten times that of the lowers and that all workers are paid a living wage.
- Lobby the Council for better cycle lanes into the Uni and campaign for all cycle racks to be covered and look into subsidised helmets for safer cycling.
Fun Fact: Has an unhealthy obsession with Bourbons.
Thomas Johnston
Bio: “Hi my name is Thomas Johnston and I’m a History and Politics student, originally from Surrey! I believe fairer and more ethical judgement can always be achieved. My priorities include the Living Wage, ethical food sourcing, protecting arts and culture for students, increasing intake on gender-related humanities modules and replacing the inadequate minibuses for the good of clubs and societies.”
- Ensure Union and University workers get the Living Wage.
- Maintain the arts and culture and ensure that the School of Music’s redundancy is not repeated elsewhere.
Fun Fact: Once took minutes for MP Paul Burstow at the Health Select Committee in Parliament.
LGBT+ Officer
Daniel Wrigglesworth
Bio: “I’m a first year politics student and current LGBT Officer for a society. I want to be your next LGBT+ Officer because I want to make sure that the current LGBT+ community on campus and future students feel safe and welcome but can also get any support that they need with any issue.”
- Raise awareness of mental health issues and of the services available to UEA students who require help.
- Ensure Freshers’ Week has more LGBT+ information available and societies are given information on LGBT+ inclusion.
Fun Fact: Laughs like Jimmy Carr.
Mattie Carter
Bio: “I am a 21 year old MTF Transgender and a second year Politics student who transferred from Warwick following transphobic abuse. I am an enthusiastic reader and writer active in the Green Park, LMS and Pride. I am also the founder of World at UEA. I want to make the LGBT+ community more inclusive and raise greater awareness of LGBT+ issues.”
- Ensure gender-neutral toilets are introduced and maintained.
- Introduce gender-neutral sports teams on campus to provide greater opportunities for LGBT+ representation in sport.
Fun Fact: Once ran away to Berlin.
Mature Students’ Officer
John Taylor
Bio: “I’m 44, a final year PhD student in CMP, and play an active role in the Union. I’ve served as a Postgraduate Officer and President of the Graduate Students’ Association.”
- Improve facilities and opportunities for mature students.
Fun Fact: Has seen American pop rock band Huey Lewis and the News over 100 times.
Women’s Officer
Bethan May Bishop
Bio: “Hi, I’m Bee and I’m a second year English & American Literature student. As your Women’s Officer I will be committed to improving UEA for all women-identifying students.”
- Educate staff and students about sexual harassment and assault through an “I ♥ Consent” campaign and Consent Awareness Week.
- Start a “#sheshouldstand” campaign to encourage and support self-identifying female students into running for positions of leadership in societies, clubs, the Union etc.
Fun Fact: Her favourite foods are pizza and hash browns.
Lucy Morris
Bio: “I’m a second year English Literature student, member of the Feminist Society, and committee member of UEA Leeway. I’m also a member of Laser Soc, Mental Wealth Society, and a Features Editor for The Tab! I first got interested in feminism (equal rights for women and men) in high school, when I was harassed in the queue every day. I realised it’s pretty unfair that no-one’s doing anything about it and that it was only happening to women. No-one should be made to feel small or scared because of sexual harassment.”
- Organise and run events where women can learn tech skills, like programming.
- Encourage the University to set up an instant online reporting system for incidents of sexual harassment and assault on UEA property.
Fun Fact: Her name is an anagram of ‘Music Lorry’.
Dolly Ogunrinde
Bio: “Hey! I am Dolly Ogunride. I am a second year Economics and Politics student. I am friendly and sociable – if you see me around don’t be shy to have a chat!”
- Lobby for street lighting throughout the night in areas surrounding the university.
- Work closely with Norfolk Constabulary and offer free self-defence classes to all students.
Fun Fact: Can usually be found in Hideout or Tuesday LCRs.
Students with Disabilities Officer
Max Levene
Bio: “I am a second year Business Economics student. I am a wheelchair-user having suffered a spinal chord injury four years ago. I am currently serving as Social Secretary for and helped set up The Chronic Peer Support Group for students with disabilities. Look out for the Orange Wheelchair!”
- Improve access and increase awareness on campus.
- Encourage a partnership between The Chronic Peer Support Group and the Union to improve the lives of disabled students.
Fun Fact: Won the Marchday Personality Award at the Spinal Injury Games.
Non-Portfolio Officer
David Stephens
Bio: “I am a second year Computer Science student dedicated to better student representation and society support.”
- Open up opportunities for showcasing student music talent by creating fairer applications for DJs in the Hive and getting student bands to be the support acts for bands gigging at the LCR.
- Campaign against the redundancies of the LCR bouncers.
Fun Fact: Once dragged two mattresses across campus to have a sleepover.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Cody
Bio: “Hi, my name is Lizzie and I want to be one of your non-portfolio officers. I’m a friendly second year Literature and History student who wants to make sure UEA is the best it can be for you. I worked as a Union Officer at college so I have experience working for the student body. I’m really chatty and friendly so if you see me round campus and have any questions, come and say hi.”
- Better communication with the Hubs.
- Consistency across the University with regards to word counts, essay drafts and feedback.
Fun Fact: Once ran into a solid glass door, bounced back off it and fractured her nose.
Theo Antoniou-Phillips
Bio: “I’m Theo and I’m half Greek Cypriot, half Irish, born and bred in London. I am currently studying English and American Literature, have a love of the theatre, art and generally everything cultural. I play the bass guitar and love clubbing and my dream is to be a journalist for the BBC! My main focus is improving communication between the Union and students, allowing all student to have an input on council and entertainment services.”
- Create a suggestions channel through social media.
- Campaign for increased Hub efficiency.
Fun Fact: Once played bass guitar in a jazz band that performed at the Royal Albert Hall.
Thomas Southerden
Bio: “I am a third year Environmental Earth Science student currently on placement at Norfolk County Council. I have been a member of many different societies and my time at UEA means the world to me. I want to see positive steps in the Union towards being more responsible to their students.”
- Create a UEA mascot.
- Reduce soft drink prices through a ‘Sober Savior’ campaign.
Fun Fact: Is the new UEA Quizmaster.
Tom Etheridge
Bio: “I’m a first year Biological and Medicinal Chemist from Maidstone in Kent. I’m a Livewire radio DJ and present two shows a week, and also a member of Chemistry Union Council and a Student-Staff Liaison Rep. I’m a bit of a nerd and a fan of terrible TV – Casualty after the LCR is a high. I’m passionate about making the Union better for students, from representation through to club nights.”
- Ensure all decisions made by the Union are publicised and explained.
- Campaign to encourage students to become course reps and provide training for current reps to improve representation.
Fun Fact: Scott Mills called him a legend.
Vraj Patel
Bio: “I am a second year Pharmacist and an avid dancer. I believe that your student union should work for YOU. Vote for me, and my focus will be on improving UEA for each and every individual.”
- Provision of hot food on campus.
- Make sports insurance cheaper.
Fun Fact: His pet peeve is body-swapping plot lines.
For more information on all the candidates and their policies visit the Union’s website or pick up a booklet from the Hive.