The Tab Oscars – top five campaign election videos.

The Tab brings you our pick of the election videos. Wolf of Wall Street ain’t got nothing on them…

Eager to spread the word about Union Elections, just in case you hadn’t heard what’s going on, The Tab count down this years top five campaign videos.

Evie Forster

In at number five we have Evie Forster, running for Activities and Opportunities officer. With authentic costumes and stunning visuals, Forster did all her own stunts and an athletic forward roll. Plus I’m a fan of any video that channels Rocky and features “Eye of The Tiger”.

Joe Raynes

Fourth place is awarded to Joe Raynes, in the running for Campaigns and Democracy officer. Whilst he introduces the video by claiming it to be “poorly produced”, I can’t help but disagree. He delivers; great visuals, clear and concise campaign information and stunning shots of the scenery around campus. Bonus points are awarded for his use of relaxing mood music and a sexy pose at the end.

Cadi Cliff

Taking a break from the more traditional, human fronted, campaign videos is Cadi Cliff. In her running for Welfare and democracy officer Cliff has delivered a unique, cartoon based, style. Up beat music and stop motion style production, as well as a rabbit driving a carrot, make for a cute and cheerful video. Thumbs up from me.

Bethan ‘Bee’ Bishop

Just losing out to the top spot at number two is Bethan “Bee” Bishop, in her running for Women’s officer. With an amazing soundtrack and Rosie the Riveter inspired costume, Bishop’s was one of the few lengthier videos that had me interested from beginning to end. She is also an incredibly good dancer.

Thomas Southerden

And finally, beating out all the competition to win the coveted first place position is Thomas Southerden. Running for Non – Portfolio officer, Southerden shows the value of good special effects in conjunction with pure acting talent. By using sophisticated costumes and props, he solidified his place at the top spot. He has even invented a new word, “possimpible” purely for the campaign! A truly deserved place.

And there we have it, The Tab’s own Oscars if you will. So that even if you don’t intend on voting, you know where to look for UEA’s future acting talent.