This fourth year made an app to help you go to the loo
It only took him a week to make
A fourth year has found fame after creating a loo-tracking app.
Computer Scientist Jake Ruston made the “Flush Toilet Finder” after feedback on his London underground app suggested that a toilet map would be more useful.
He said: “A lot of people were asking me to include details of toilet facilities for London, but I decided to go bigger and design something for the whole world.
“I asked my family and friends about whether they thought it would be useful and they all thought it was a great idea. I think it will be really useful for almost everyone.
“I told my lecturer about it, who forwarded it onto the press office. It was picked up on a tech website and it expanded from there.”
Jake hopes the app will help people with conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn’s, as well as helping lost tourists.
“There have been times when I’ve been in other countries such as Germany and I’ve needed to find a toilet, which has been difficult to locate due to obvious language barriers and unfamiliarity with the area.”
The app uses your phone’s GPS to find free nearby toilets, including those with disabled access.
It only a week to produce, with most of the time spent on researching public toilet locations.
Using online databases, Jake produced a feature that allows users to add locations and expand the app’s content. After that, it only took a couple of days to design the layout.
With a few tweaks from his brother, who is studying Computer Sciences at York, it was ready to go.
Since then the app has been downloaded over 10,000 times, and has over 100,000 entries on its database.
But this isn’t the only app Ruston has produced. His very first app was a currency converter, and he’s made around seven in total.
“Most of the apps I make I would find useful myself. I look for it and if it’s terrible, I make my own.”
And Jake has no plans of stopping. He’s currently working on a flight tracker that will tell you exactly where your plane is when you enter the flight code.
The Flush Toilet Finder can be downloaded from the app store on Android and iOS devices.