Norwich is Britain’s third unhealthiest city

A quarter of you love stuffing yourselves with junk food

Norwich residents admit to being the third most unhealthy people in Britain.

In a survey conducted by Upbeat 25 per cent of those from the city questioned said they enjoyed eating junk food, even though they knew it was bad for them.

It was Belfast that blew away the competition though, with a belly-busting 45 per cent of those surveyed admitting they love to pig out.

The Irish city was followed by Sheffield and Brighton in joint second place with 26 per cent of residents admitting a sweet tooth each.

It was not simply a case of finding junk food tastier than salad though – 39 per cent of participants stated that they treated themselves to a takeaway or a chocolate bar because they felt they had “earned it”.

Other excuses included being too tired to cook, having a bad day or using unhealthy food to celebrate.

According to the survey, it is the younger generation who worries least about their junk food addiction, despite the fact they are well aware of it.

Almost a quarter of participants aged 16-24 stated that they felt no guilt about regularly gorging themselves on fatty snacks.