Vivienne Westwood to visit UEA

She’s visiting to support the Green Party

Iconic fashion designer Dame Vivienne Westwood will be on campus in May to meet students and rally support for the Green Party.

In the run-up to the general election and with Norwich set to be a close battle between Green and Labour, Vivienne will tour several universities including UEA, Liverpool, Brighton and Sheffield.

The campaign has been named “We Are The Revolution” and calls for students to vote Green in the upcoming general election.

Photo: @Yoanna_Official

Green Party Candidate for Norwich South Lesley Grahame said: “Vivienne Westwood adding her voice and support to the Green Party is a massive opportunity for us to reach younger voters in the city.

“It is vital that as many people as possible hear that there is an alternative to the spiralling inequality and environmental destruction offered by other political parties.

“UEA students can really ‘do different’ and lead the way in a vote for justice. Their votes will make a difference to Norwich and to the country.”


Josh Wilson, Social Secretary of UEA Young Greens, said: “Vivienne Westwood coming to UEA is a great opportunity for the local Green Party to get students involved and engaged in politics and the Green Party.

“Students are extremely important in a seat like Norwich South and getting young people voting is the key to this – they tend to be more Green because we are the only party that has policies that properly represent them, whether it be the abolition of tuition fees or job creation.”

Students can register to vote here.