Meet your full time officer candidates
Look at all their smiling faces
The banners are up, the posters are littering campus, the annoying Facebook notifications are rolling in. It can only mean one thing – Union elections are in full swing.
But do you have any idea who you’re voting for? Manifestos are boring and too long to read. Nobody’s got time for that.
We caught up with all the full time officer candidates to find out all about them and their campaigns just so you don’t have to.
Get ready to have all your coffee breaks interrupted by these smiling faces armed with leaflets.
Activities and Opportunities officers
Rokas “Rocky” Lucinkas, third year Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Campaign slogan – Vote Rocky to Fight for You!
Where do you recognise him from? – Rockas has been a committee member for the International Student Society for 3 years. He also loves a good night out; he’s worked behind the bar for 2 years and was the co-organiser of BassMatters.
Most important policy – By setting up workshops for committee members, Rockas wants to make it easier for sports clubs and societies to get in touch with the Union and the University.
Fun Fact – Due to losing a bet, Rockas is currently rocking one eyebrow.
Joseph Skeet, third year Physical Education
Campaign slogan – Vote Joe Skeet #skeetwatch #sensibleskeet #halo
Where do I recognise him from? – Joe’s seen you at your worst whilst being a Team Leader at the bar. You might also find him hanging round the Sportspark being President of Korfball or in Unio enjoying a hazelnut latte.
Most important policy – Joe plans to engage with each club and society on a personal level. He wants to come up with ways to solve clubs’ issues on an individual basis rather than just giving blanket solutions.
Fun fact – Joe’s completely tone deaf, but he’s still insisting on singing in his campaign video. We can hardly wait…
Alec Kent, fourth year Law and Language
Campaign Slogan – If you like it, A-lec it
Where do I recognise him from? – As well as being the President of Volleyball Soc, Alec raised a whopping £3,680 for Movember last year. You’re also likely to spot him wandering round The Square
Most important policy – Alec couldn’t pick a most important policy. He wants to address ALL the important issues that would improve the student experience.
Fun Fact – Alec is trilingual and he can lick his own elbow. Impressive and slightly gross.
Yinbo Yu
Campaign slogan – Vote Yinbo, Vote for you
Where do I recognise him from? – Yinbo is our current Activities and Opportunities Officer. He’s been involved in organising all sorts of exciting stuff on campus such as the pop-up market, Go Global, Asian Day, Spring Festival Gala and the Mandarin Market. He also had a big role in setting up the UEA Nap Nook.
Most important policy – Yinbo wants to make campus more integrated and more internationalised. He’s offering free language lessons, more cultural events. He’s also determined to stamp out racism, sexism, ableism and LGBT+phobia on campus.
Fun fact – Before last semester, Yinbo had never been to the LCR. So many missed VK opportunities.
Rob Drury, third year Film and Television Studies
Campaign slogan – Watch me make spectacular change
Where do I recognise him from? – Rob’s been heavily involved in UEA:TV since he arrived at UEA. He’s also been their Union Rep for the last two years. You can usually find Rob somewhere in Union House at any time in the day.
Most important policy – Rob’s main promise is to make the Union easier to understand. He wants to give the website a revamp, give students more of say in what happens in the Union and make sure that everyone knows who they go to with any problems.
Fun Fact – Rob grew up on a farm and he can drive a tractor.
Undergraduate Education Officer
Lizzie Cody, third year Literature and History
Campaign Slogan – #lovelizzie
Where do I recognise her from? – Lizzie is currently a non-portfolio officer in the Union…although we don’t really know what that means
Most important policy – Lizzie wants to finally get the Hubs sorted out and make them work more efficiently. She also wants to build a better relationship between the Union and the University so that we can all be included in the important decisions.
Fun Fact – Lizzie knows who the new Stig is
Jess Hardcastle, third year Psychology
Campaign slogan – Say Yes to Jess
Where do I recognise her from? – If Jess’ isn’t working with Ents in the LCR, you’ll find her on court playing for the Tennis Squad. Jess is also a Training Lead for Headucate.
Most important policy – Jess wants us all to go on more trips to enhance our knowledge and get us out of the lecture theatres. If you’re studying English you get to go to The Globe, if you’re studying History you get to go to the British Museum, if you’re studying Medicine you get to…see outside the library once in a while.
Fun Fact: Jess is a bit of an adventurer. When she was 18 she travelled Europe on her one and last summer she coached tennis in America.
Connor Rand
Campaign slogan – Re-elect Rand
Where do I recognise him from? – Remember Rand? He’s our current Undergraduate Education Officer. Before that he was involved in History Society and Laser Society among many others.
Most important policy: After the news this week that UEA has raked in over £100k in fines you’ll all be very glad to know that Connor is planning to abolish library late fines!
Fun Fact: Connor’s once drunkenly told Delia Smith he loved her. So Norwich.
Josh Wilson, third year International Development with Economics
Campaign Slogan – Oh my gosh, vote for Josh
Where do I recognise him from? – Josh is currently our Ethical Issues Officer. He’s also been heavily involved in campaigns such as Defend Education UEA.
Most important policy – Josh wants us all to campaign together for free education (including the Vice-Chancellor)
Fun Fact – Josh is secret diva – he went to performing arts school for four years.
Campaigns and Democracy
Chris Jarvis
Campaign Slogan: He hasn’t got one…guess not much rhymes with Jarvis
Where do I recognise him from? – Chris has already been Campaigns and Democracy officer for a year – you probably recognise him from those massive signs in The Hive. As well as this Chris has been involved in campaigns like Fossil Free and Defend Education.
Most important policy – Say goodbye to your drafty, mouldy, leaky house. Chris wants to make student housing fairer. He’s going to freeze fees and set up a student run housing co-operative.
Fun Fact – Chris is (very loosely) related to a member of the Beastie Boys. Can we get them booked for the LCR please?
Dan Julian, third year Politics and Economics
Campaign slogan – Dan’s Your Man…for Campaigns and Democracy
Where do I recognise him from – Dan’s been involved in loads of societies whilst at UEA and he’s made a few fleeting appearances on LiveWire. Dan’s also a huge sports fan so you’re likely to spot him in the pub on a match day.
Most important policy – Dan wants to freeze drink prices and will fight any rise in prices. Our livers thank you already Dan.
Fun Fact – Dan’s adopted a panda. Cute.
Welfare, Community and Diversity
Mattie Carter, third year politics
Campaign slogan – #GetCarter
Where do I recognise her from? – Mattie’s heavily involved in loads of societies. She founded World at UEA and has been involved in Pride and Live Music Soc, and ran the Trans Awareness Week campaign last semester.
Most important policy – Mattie’s manifesto is all about inclusiveness. She wants more training on LGBT+ issues, more non-Christian cultural celebrations on campus and some more gender neutral sports teams.
Fun Fact – She’s crowdfunding her vagina.
Daniel DeLargy, third year English Lit with Creative Writing
Campaign slogan – Have you #VOTEDD
Where do I recognise him from? – Last year Daniel was our Students with Disabilities Officer as well as being on the committee of Creative Writing Soc and putting pen to paper for Concrete.
Most important policy – Daniel’s going to improve awareness of what peer-support groups and how to use them. He’s going to create an “Awareness Fair” as a platform for peer-support groups, charities and the Dean of Students Wellbeing Services.
Fun fact – Apparently Daniel can salsa pretty well. We refuse to believe this until we’ve seen it in action in the LCR.
Joe Honeywood, third year Psychology
Campaign slogan – #Readysetjoe: Driving The Change
Where do I recognise him from? – When Joe’s not working in the Union Advice Centre he can be found drunkenly practicing his twerking in the LCR. He also recently went on the UEA Ski trip…but he spilt vodka on his passport photo.
Most important policy – Joe wants every student to be able to make full use of the welfare resources on campus. He wants better social media and information in lectures so that everyone knows where to go when they need help.
Fun fact – Joe was almost cast as Roger in the film adaption of The Golden Compass but missed out on the top spot. Hollywood’s loss in Norwich’s gain.
Jo Swo, third year History
Campaign slogan – #Vote Swo. She’s Well Fair. (Her surname is also a handy acronym for Student Welfare Officer)
Where do I recognise her from? – Jo is a member of Feminist Society and LGBT+ society. She also recently started her own Good Night:Norwich campaign where you can anonymously share your experiences from a night out in Norwich.
Most important policy: Mental health is top of Jo’s agenda. She wants to make counselling for accessible and efficient. She also wants to work with B-eat to offer more training to the Medical Centre to recognise and help students with eating disorders. Jo is also going to introduce more stress busting activities – more goats in The Square please.
Fun Fact – Jo is allergic to chicken. No cheeky Nandos for her.
Dan Wrigglesworth, second year politics student
Campaign slogan – Yes We Dan
Where do I recognise him from? – Dan is our current LGBT+ officer, he is also men’s welfare officer for UEA Pride and has served two years on Union Council.
Most important policy – Dan wants to make the cost of living cheaper. He wants cheaper nights out on campus and cheaper meal deals for when you’re hungover the next day.
Fun Fact – Before taking his A Levels, Dan trained as a plumber.
Voting is open now. You can vote here.