Third years left fuming after Pimp My Barrow date announced

It’s the biggest UEA event of the year…and you can’t go

Slighted third years have responded furiously to news Pimp My Barrow will take place on Saturday 30th May this year.

The Union announced this year’s event will occur a week earlier than last year’s, placing it bang in the middle of exam season.

The legendary year-ending event is a sacred date on everyone’s calendar but it looks like this year plenty will be missing out.

Third year Bryn Davies said: “What a joke. The university can’t organise a fair exam timetable, the Union organises one of the biggest student events during term time and then we have the challenge of organising revision around going to Radio 1’s Big Weekend.”

Third year History and Politics student Sofie Cacoyannis, who has her only exam on 4th June, echoed Bryn’s complaints.

She said: “I’m not impressed with the date of Pimp My Barrow this year.

“It’s bad enough people like me who have exams in June have no choice but to miss out, but with all the noise going on in the square, it will be difficult for anyone revising in the library to concentrate.”

petition has already been created to get the date moved to the following Saturday 6th June, when exams are over and everyone will be able to enjoy the weird and wonderful UEA tradition.

Third year lawyer Ross Attfield, who set up the petition, has been left fuming at the prospect of not being able to take part in his final Pimp My Barrow.

He said: “I have an exam two days after on Monday 1st June. Last year PMB took place at the end of exam period which was great for those of us who had exams in the last week.

“It’s rather devastating to think I’ll have to miss it this year especially as this would be my last one.

“In the height of exam period I am usually in the library seven days a week. There’s no way I could work in the library on that Saturday with all the noise and disruption going on. Mentally as well it will be so depressing.”

With thousands of students expected to descend on the square this will undoubtedly create a bigger rivalry than UEA and Essex on Derby Day, only this time the battle lines will be drawn between boozing barrowers and those still slogging it out in the library.