BNOC of the year: Group two
Who will join last week’s winner in the final?
Over the last month we’ve been receiving your nominations for BNOC of the year and now it’s time to pick a winner.
Last week, Gerald Osei Mmieh became the first name in the final, demolishing his opponents and racking up over 51 per cent of the vote. By the way, that makes him over 14 per cent more popular than a Tory government.
Today, four more big names battle it out for the ultimate prize, but only one can live forever as a UEA legend. Who will it be?
Mark Allen
Not only has this guy been to every AfterDark Thursday this year, his nickname “Mallen” has trended on Twitter multiple times because of his famous dance moves.
Rumour has it if you open your window you’ll hear him shouting “UNAYYYY” at unsuspecting passers-by.
With his nomination as captain of UEAFC 2s, Mark’s legendary BNOC status is only likely to increase next year.
Joe Clark
AfterDark promoter Joe has appeared in The Tab countless times in “Clubbers of the Week” and was thrown into the spotlight after choosing his ex-girlfriend on UEA Take Me Out.
He’s popular not just with his year but with freshers too, running huge socials and pre-drinks through his role as Social Sec of the Tennis Club. If you haven’t seen him already you’re bound to find him in VIP on a Thursday and Friday and at the LCR on a Saturday, where he’s the last and loudest to leave.
Those who know him say Joe “isn’t up himself like other promoters”, a ringing endorsement if ever there was one.
Thomas Rees
Tab favourite Thomas Rees was a BNOC before stepping foot in UEA, when he posted a video introducing himself on the Freshers’ Facebook group. Since then his fame has only grown and he’s become easily recognisable in his famous “Golden Fleece”.
Thomas is making waves off campus too and recently worked backstage at Big Weekend. With a short film and a Christmas single to his name, he’s well on his way to becoming an actual celebrity.
Jasmine Shah
Jasmine is a party girl known for her crazy drunk adventures. She was universally recognised when she appeared on UEA Spotted for “the dress incident” which saw her show a bit more flesh in the LCR than anticipated.
Jasmine’s beaming face is enough to brighten up anyone’s day. This constant enthusiasm means you’ll hear this girl before you see her, whether in the club or the library.
She’s not one to turn down a night out and you’ll never attend an LCR she’s not at.
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